§ 4-23. Standards and tests for materials purchased.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The Mayor and the Business Administrator shall establish and approve uniform standards for requisitions and purchases. The Department of Administration, in consultation with other appropriate department directors, shall control the delivery of all supplies, materials, equipment and other items purchased and may make or cause to be made proper test checks and inspections thereof. The Department of Administration, in consultation with other appropriate department directors, shall ascertain whether the supplies, materials, equipment and other items purchased comply with the specifications and shall cause laboratory or other tests to be made whenever in the opinion of the applicable director it is necessary to determine whether the materials or supplies are of a quality and standard required.
    Purchase controls. All purchases of any supplies, materials or equipment or contractual services for the Township's account shall be made by the Department of Administration, with a copy given to the Chief Financial Officer, pursuant to a written requisition from the director of the department whose appropriation will be charged.
Amended 4-19-1999 by Ord. No. 99-07