§ 4-28. Department directors.

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Each department shall be headed by a director, who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council. Each director shall serve during the term of the Mayor appointing the director and until the appointment and qualification of a successor. The Mayor shall, with the advice and consent of the Council, appoint the municipal assessor and all other municipal officers not assigned within municipal departments, subject to the terms of any general law providing for these offices, unless a different appointment procedure is clearly required by this plan of government or by general law. A department director may simultaneously serve as a division manager.
    Powers and duties of department directors. Directors shall hire subordinate officers and employees within their respective departments and may, with approval of the Mayor, remove such officers and employees, subject to the provisions of general law. The director of each department shall, subject to the supervision of the Mayor or designee, the code and ordinances of the Township:
    Devote such time as required for the purpose and efficient discharge of the duties of the respective office.
    Have, exercise and discharge the functions, powers and duties of the department.
    Prescribe the internal organization of the department and the duties of the subordinates and assistants, subject to approval of the Mayor.
    Administer the work of the department with respect to the functions established by this code.
    Appoint subordinate officers and employees to be employed within the department and upon the basis of a written job description and assign functions, powers and duties to them and delegate such powers as may be deemed necessary for the efficient administration of the department to be exercised by subordinate officers and employees.
    Report at least annually to the Mayor and Council, in such form as may be approved by the Mayor, on the work of the department during the preceding year.
    Certify the correctness and propriety of all payrolls and vouchers or provide the certification for them.
    Prepare budgets and maintain proper accounts.
    Appoint and hire qualified individuals for all positions, pursuant to the personnel policies of the Township.
    Perform such other duties and responsibilities as directed by the Mayor or designee.
    Vacancies in office of director of department. Whenever a vacancy exists for any reason in the office of a director of any Township department, the Mayor may temporarily fill such vacancy by appointing either the Mayor, as provided in the Optional Municipal Charter Law, or another officer or employee of the Township as Acting Director, who shall perform all the duties and functions of such department director until the office shall be filled permanently. Any such appointment of an Acting Director shall terminate not later than 90 days after the date of the appointment unless the Council shall by resolution authorize one or more extensions.
    Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40:69A-1 et seq.
Amended 5-13-1996 by Ord. No. 96-10