§ 4-30. Business Administrator.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Appointment. The Mayor shall, with the advice and consent of the Council, appoint a Business Administrator, who shall be chosen solely on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications, with special reference to actual experience in or knowledge of the duties of the office and who shall serve until the appointment and qualification of a successor. At the time of the appointment, the Business Administrator need not be a resident of the Township or the state, but during the Business Administrator's tenure of office, the Business Administrator may reside outside the Township only with the approval of the Council (N.J.S.A. 40:69A-44).
    Full-time position; holding of other offices. The Business Administrator shall devote full time to the duties of the office, except that nothing herein shall prevent the Business Administrator from also holding any other appointive municipal office of the Township and fulfilling the duties thereof.
    Functions, powers and duties. Under the direction and supervision of the Mayor, the Business Administrator shall:
    Prescribe and require each department and other spending agency for which Township appropriations are made to maintain records and produce reports of their respective workload and performance, expressed in appropriate work units, which the Business Administrator may prescribe or approve for each of the departments and other spending agencies.
    Develop and enforce, in cooperation with other directors, standards and procedures for the most efficient management of the Township government, not inconsistent with the Charter and ordinances of the Township.
    Assist the Mayor in the preparation of the annual budget and maintain a continuing review and analysis of budget operations, work programs and costs of municipal services.
    Serve as purchasing agent and administer a uniform centralized purchasing system program as the efficient management of the Township government may require.
    Serve as chief personnel officer; develop and administer the personnel systems and all matters pertaining to personnel.
    Subject to the direction of the Mayor, supervise the administration of each of the departments established by this code or by ordinance. For this purpose, the Business Administrator shall have power to investigate the organization and operation of any and all departments, to prescribe standards and rules of administrative practice and procedure and to consult with the heads of the departments under the Business Administrator's jurisdiction, provided that, with respect to the Department of Law, the authority of the Business Administrator shall extend only to matters of budgeting, personnel and purchasing.
    Serve as the Affirmative Action Officer or be authorized to designate the Affirmative Action Officer and oversee the implementation and monitoring of the affirmative action program of the Township.
    Perform such other duties as may be prescribed by ordinance or resolution.
    Construal of provisions. Nothing herein shall derogate from the powers and duties of the elective or appointive officials of the Township or of the boards and commissions thereof established pursuant to law or authorize the Business Administrator to exercise the powers and duties thereof.
    Acting Business Administrator. Whenever and so long as there is a vacancy in the office of Business Administrator, the Mayor may serve as Acting Business Administrator without additional compensation, or the Mayor may appoint another suitable person to act as Acting Business Administrator. Any such appointment shall terminate after 90 days, unless the Council shall, by resolution, authorize one or more extensions. The Acting Business Administrator shall have all the functions, powers and duties of the Business Administrator.
Amended 5-13-1996 by Ord. No. 96-10