§ 4-62. Human Relations Council.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Preamble. Under the direction of the Mayor, the Human Relations Council will develop, coordinate and amplify community awareness of the diverse cultures represented in the Township. This is to be accomplished through the development and implementation of approved programs and services which will foster cultural exchange. The Council will report annually and/or as requested or needed on its activities and recommendations.
    Creation. There is hereby created a Human Relations Council to develop, coordinate and amplify the community awareness of the diverse cultures as represented in the Township.
    Appointment; terms; vacancies; compensation.
    The Council shall consist of 12 members, who shall be representatives of the diverse cultural interests within the Township. All members shall be appointed by the Mayor, with advice and consent of the Council. Advisers, but not regular members, may be nonresidents who are employed within the Township.
    [Amended 5-13-1996 by Ord. No. 96-10]
    Members shall serve for terms of two years each. Six of the initial appointments shall be for one year and the other six shall be for two years. At the expiration of the one-year terms, the ensuing appointments shall be for two years. All terms shall expire on December 31 of the year of the expiration.
    A vacancy occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled in the same manner as other appointments, but said appointment is for the unexpired term only.
    Members shall receive no compensation for their services.
    Structure. The Council shall designate one of its members as Chair and that person shall serve as such until the first day of January next following the appointment and until the successor shall be appointed and shall qualify. Vacancies in the Chair shall be filled in the same manner as other vacancies for the unexpired term only.
    Powers and duties. The Council shall have the following powers and duties:
    Raising the Township's awareness and cultural diversity in an effort to enhance the quality of life in the Township's citizens.
    Developing, conducting and evaluating programs geared to increase cultural awareness of the Township's population.
    Conferring with appropriate governmental and private agencies for the purpose of developing, implementing and evaluating the scope of activities.
    Submitting, with the cooperation, advice and, where applicable, approval of the Mayor and Council, proposals for grants for facilities, programs and services to appropriate governmental and private agencies.
    Reporting annually to the Mayor and Council.