§ 4-76. Prohibited conduct.  

Latest version.
  • No officer or employee elected or appointed shall:
    Directly or indirectly use or attempt to use the officer's or employee's office, position or employment to secure or obtain any unwarranted, preferential, favored, discriminatory or unlawful rights, benefits, advantages or privileges for the officer or employee or any others.
    Vote for the adoption or defeat of any legislation or for the payment or nonpayment of any indebtedness owing or allegedly owing by this Township in which the officer or employee has a direct or indirect personal, pecuniary or other private interest.
    Recommend or lobby for the adoption or defeat of any legislation or the institution or defense of any legal or quasi-legal action whatever in which the officer or employee has or may have a direct or indirect personal, pecuniary or other private interest.
    Approve or disapprove or in any way recommend the payment of any bill, voucher or indebtedness owed or allegedly owed by the Township in which the officer or employee has a direct or indirect personal, pecuniary or other private interest.
    Accept other employment or professional retainers or the promise thereof that might reasonably conflict with the performance of official duties or that might reasonably tend to impair the officer's or employee's independent or impartial judgment or action in the exercise or performance of the officer's or employee's official duties.