§ 126-10. Prohibited practices.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Soliciting is prohibited at all intersections and on public thoroughfares.
    No solicitor shall operate vehicular music amplification or reproduction equipment in such a manner that creates a public nuisance or noise disturbance that violates the Township Noise Ordinance. (ice cream truck music and similar functions is played at a reasonable level shall be allowed.) No peddler or solicitor shall call attention to his or her business or merchandise by crying out, blowing a horn, ringing a bell, other than the doorbell of a building, or by any other loud or unusual noise.
    Editor's Note: See Ch. 113, Noise.
    No peddler or solicitor shall conduct or attempt to conduct business at any residence on the list of residences not to be solicited, at any development with a homeowner's association, or on any residence or property on which is posted a sign expressly prohibiting such activity.
Amended 11-24-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-18