§ 148-16. Residential curbside collection.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    On and after the official commencement date of the County Recycling System within the Township of West Windsor, each person residing in areas designated for recycling collection shall separate for curbside collection on designated collection days and such additional days as may be designated by the Mercer County Improvement Authority those materials designated in the Mercer County Recycling Plan as listed below, and shall do so in the manner as set forth in this article.
    All residents shall recycle or cause to be recycled, at a minimum, the following categories of recyclables:
    Paper, including:
    Corrugated cardboard;
    Other paper; and
    Clear, green and amber glass food and beverage containers.
    Aluminum food and beverage containers.
    PET beverage and HDPE beverage and laundry detergent containers.
    Tin-plate steel containers.
    Bimetal containers.
    Vehicle batteries.
    White goods.
    Used motor oil.
    Ferrous automotive scrap.
    Any and all persons having been found to have violated the provisions of the Recycling Plan of the Township of West Windsor will be assessed warnings, penalties and fines pursuant to § 148-24 of this article.
    At the time of placement of recyclable materials designated for collection by the Recycling Plan of the Township of West Windsor at the curb- or street side of residential units, said materials shall be considered the sole property of the Mercer County Improvement Authority and shall be considered a conscious contribution by that resident to the County Recycling System for collection by the Mercer County Improvement Authority or its agent.
    Any resident within the Township of West Windsor may donate or sell designated recyclable materials to any person, whether operating for profit or not-for-profit, provided that the receiving person may not perform curbside collection under any circumstances unless that person has registered with the Mercer County Improvement Authority as a private recycler.