§ 152-16. Relocation of overhead utility wires.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Relocation required. When at any time, the township determines that it would be in the interest of the public welfare to make improvements to public streets and sidewalks where overhead utility lines exist and said improvements would require excavation of the public street or sidewalk, the Council may require said utilities to relocate the existing overhead wires to underground conduits at the expense of the utility.
    Notice and hearing. The municipality shall provide written notice to a utility at its place of business no less than 10 days prior to a hearing to be held regarding the matters of improvement of the public way in question and the need for utility relocation to underground. Subsequent to such hearing, the Council, by resolution, may order said utility company to relocate its overhead wires to underground conduits at its own expense.
    Relocation plan. No less than 30 days prior to the date of excavation to improve a public way is to begin, the utilities obligated to relocate their overhead wires to underground conduits shall submit a plan to the Township Engineer for said relocation, showing the exact location and dimensions of the underground conduit, together with a statement giving detailed and complete information as to the character of the work to be performed. Such plans and statements shall remain permanently on file in the office of the Township Engineer.
Added 11-16-1998 by Ord. No. 98-30