Chapter 170. Trees  

§ 170-1. Definitions.
§ 170-2. Permit required for certain acts.
§ 170-3. Application for permit; issuance.
§ 170-4. Appeal.
§ 170-5. Exceptions.
§ 170-6. Dangerous trees and shrubs.
§ 170-7. Violations and penalties.
HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee (now Township Council) of the Township of West Windsor 12-27-1979 by Ord. No. 79-39 as Chapter XVI of the Revised General Ordinances. Amendments noted where applicable.


Care and planting of shade trees — See Ch. 4, § 4-58D.
Brush, grass and weeds — See Ch. 48.
Trimming of trees by CATV franchisee — See Ch. 59, § 59-8.
Dead trees as nuisances — See Ch. 115, § 115-3.
Planting of trees to prevent erosion — See Ch. 143, § 143-13C.
Excavations which damage trees — See Ch. 152, § 152-10C.
Land use — See Ch. 200.