§ 200-12. Sketch site plan review.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Objectives of review. Applicants for preliminary approval are encouraged to submit for review by the board of jurisdiction sketch site plans for informal discussions and recommendations. The sketch site plan shall be reviewed to determine the proposal's compliance with applicable Township ordinances and the general site design concept, including use, location and bulk, building and improvements, density, open space, traffic and pedestrian patterns and other general design components. The sketch site plan shall be to scale, but detailed dimensions need not be shown. Said sketch site plans shall be used as a basis for changes and redesign so as to avoid undue expense and delay in preparing more detailed plans and specifications in subsequent review stages. The board of jurisdiction shall not be governed by any statutory time limits in its review of sketch site plans, and it is expressly understood that compliance with the board's recommendations shall not bind the board in subsequent deliberations of a formal site plan application.
    Sketch site plan details. The sketch site plan may be prepared by the applicant and contain sufficient information for discussion by the Advisory Board and the applicant.
Amended 7-30-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-20