§ 200-14. Final site plan approval.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Objectives of review. The final site plan shall be reviewed to ascertain whether the construction documents to be utilized in construction of the project substantially conform to the approved preliminary site plan.
    Application. Two or more copies of the final site plan, an application in a form approved by the Planning Board and the requisite fee shall be delivered to the administrative officer.
    Final site plan details.
    The final site plan application technical materials shall include the following:
    The approved preliminary site plan, together with all proposed additions, changes or departures therefrom, if applicable.
    Final construction documents, among other items, illustrating:
    The final plans for site development and site improvement, including those construction details as may be specified at the time of preliminary approval.
    The ground floor or other floor plans sufficient to show pedestrian, vehicular or other access as it relates to the final site plan.
    The building elevation or typical elevations, including size, structure, materials, colors and textures.
    Elevations or typical illustrations of any accessory structures, signs or area visible to the general public.
    A final landscape plan, signed and sealed by a certified or licensed landscape architect, in the form of construction drawings and substantially conforming to the approved preliminary landscape plan. The plan shall be prepared for separate halftone sheets of the engineer's grading site plan. The plan shall include the location and detailed specifications for all landscape architectural improvements, including planting details which conform with the standard Township details, and for the irrigation and maintenance of all planting areas.
    [Added 8-21-1989 by Ord. No. 89-34]
    A traffic signage plan conforming to the requirements of § 200-91U of Part 3, Subdivision and Site Plan Procedures, of this chapter.
    [Added 8-21-1989 by Ord. No. 89-34]
    A final landscape plan, signed and sealed by a certified or licensed landscape architect, in the form of construction documents and substantially conforming to the approved preliminary landscape plan. The landscape plan shall be prepared upon separate halftone sheets of the engineered site plan with contour lines so that landscape details and grading are clearly shown and may be adequately reviewed. It shall show:
    [Added 5-16-1988 by Ord. No. 88-9]
    Reverse frontage buffers and other important landscape areas at a minimum scale of one inch equals 30 feet or larger.
    The manner of irrigation of all nonresidential and high density residential sites.
    All existing trees to be removed and preserved and what methods will be used to assure preservation during and after construction. Prior to any tree removal, the applicant will be required to receive approval of the board of jurisdiction or the Township Landscape Architect.
    The existing and proposed topography by the use of one-foot contours for all land forms and berms in coordination with the final grading and drainage plans submitted by the project engineer.
    A landscape management and maintenance schedule and agreement.
    Planting details conforming to the standards set forth in § 200-91R(2) of Part 3, Subdivision and Site Plan Procedures, of this chapter.
    At the request of the Township Landscape Architect, the applicant shall provide five copies of the final landscape drawings with a final approval box for the approval signature of the Township Landscape Architect and Fire Code Official. Where Greenbelt boundaries are delineated, a final approval box for the signature of the Environmental Commission Chair must also be provided.
    Final site plan review.
    Within 45 days after submission of a complete final site plan application or within such further time as may be agreed upon by the applicant, the Planning Board shall approve the application for final site plan approval with or without conditions, provided that the following requirements are met:
    The detailed drawings and specifications meet all applicable codes and ordinances.
    The final plans are substantially the same as the approved preliminary site plans.
    Bonds have been posted to ensure the installation of improvements, as applicable.
    Proof has been submitted that all taxes and assessments for local improvements on the property have been paid.
    Upon receipt of a complete application, the administrative officer shall submit one copy to each of those professionals and boards having received a copy of the preliminary plan.
    [Amended 7-30-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-20]
    The professionals and boards shall have a period of 30 days after receipt of the final plan to make a report and recommendations concerning the final plan. The Planning Board shall take such recommendations into account, but shall have the right to proceed in the absence of any such recommendation.
    Final plan hearing. Planning Board action shall take place at a hearing. No public notice of application shall be required.
    Decision of Planning Board. The decision of the Planning Board shall be as set forth in § 200-77 of Part 3, Subdivision and Site Plan Procedures, of this chapter, for decision on site plan applications under varying procedural conditions.
    Effect of final approval. Final approval shall terminate the time period of preliminary approval for the section granted final approval and shall guarantee the applicant that the zoning requirements applicable to the preliminary approval and all other rights conferred upon the applicant as part of preliminary approval shall not be changed for a period of two years after the date of final approval.
    Time limit for final approval and extensions.
    Final approval shall expire two years from the date of final approval unless the applicant has secured a building permit to commence construction. The Planning Board may extend final approval, and the protection offered under Subsection G above for one year. Up to three such extensions may be granted.
    In the case of a site plan for a planned commercial development, planned industrial park development or residential cluster of 50 acres or conventional site plan for 150 acres or more, the Planning Board may extend the rights granted under final approval for such period of time, longer than two years, as shall be determined by the Planning Board to be reasonable, taking into consideration the number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area permissible under final approval, economic conditions and the comprehensiveness of the development. The developer may apply for thereafter, and the Planning Board may thereafter grant, an extension of final approval for such additional period of time as shall be determined by the Planning Board to be reasonable, taking into consideration the number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area permissible under final approval, the number of dwelling units and nonresidential floor area remaining to be developed, economic conditions and the comprehensiveness of the development.
    Conditions of final approval. The Planning Board may, as a condition of final approval:
    Grant final approval only for designated geographic sections of the development.
    Grant final approval for certain work, but require resubmission for final approval for designated elements, such as but not limited to, such items as landscaping, signs or street furniture and require approval of these elements as a prerequisite for a certificate of occupancy.
    Condition the granting of a certificate of occupancy subject to the applicant or developer or subsequent heirs or assignees meeting certain requirements within a designated period of time, not to exceed one year, from the date of issuance of the certificate of occupancy. This may include, but is not limited to, such items as the installation of landscaping, erection of signs, installation of improvements or re-evaluation of circulation patterns.
Amended 12-22-1980 by Ord. No. 80-41