§ 200-23. Environmental considerations.  

Latest version.
  • Environmental elements relating to the prevention of soil erosion, preservation of trees, protection of watercourses and plains, protection of water sources, noise, air quality, topography, soil and animal life shall be reviewed, and the design of the plan shall minimize any adverse impact on these elements.
    Environmental impact. No application for development shall be approved unless it has been affirmatively determined by the Planning Board, after an environmental appraisal, that the proposed project:
    Will not result in a significant adverse impact on the environment.
    Has been conceived and designed in such a manner that it will not significantly impair natural processes.
    Will not place a disproportionate or excessive demand upon the total resources available to the project site and to the impact area.
    Application of requirement. To facilitate the environmental appraisal, all development applications excluding those for one residential dwelling unit or lot must include a preliminary environmental impact statement (EIS). Based on the findings of the preliminary EIS, detailed statements or clarification of detail on specific areas of environmental impact may be required. Applications requiring an EIS may be rejected by the Planning Board for failure to furnish sufficient information to enable the Board to make an adequate environmental approval. The applicant may request a preapplication conference with the Environmental Commission concerning the level of detail and scope of the preliminary EIS for a particular project.
    Requirements of preliminary EIS and Green Development Practices Checklist. Applicants shall supply four copies of the following items to comply with the preliminary EIS requirements:
    [Amended 4-20-1990 by Ord. No. 90-12; 9-7-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-16]
    West Windsor Township Preliminary Environmental Worksheet and Green Development Practices Checklist. The Environmental Worksheet, provided by the Township, requires information on the existing condition of the site (natural features, land use, water quality, etc.), anticipated changes due to the proposed development and measures which will be used to mitigate adverse environmental impacts. The Green Development Practices Checklist requests a description or consideration of development practices that will seek to balance environmental, economic and social impacts or opportunities. It is intended that this analysis will facilitate more sustainable development. The applicant shall use the most recent, approved edition of the West Windsor Natural Resources Inventory or a Township-approved equivalent as a data source.
    Preliminary environmental analysis maps.
    Maps shall be produced which show the location of proposed lots and structures with respect to the natural features of the site. The applicant's proposed development plan shall be superimposed on the natural factor maps (available for purchase from the Township Engineer) in outline form. The resulting maps shall be at a scale of one inch equals 800 feet, or larger.
    Preliminary environmental analysis maps shall be produced using, but not limited to, the following seven natural resource maps:
    Land Suitability for Development.
    Environmentally Sensitive Areas.
    Vegetation and Wildlife Habitats.
    Suitability for Septic Tank Effluent Disposal (if on-site sewage treatment is proposed).
    Depth to Seasonally High Water Table.
    Aquifer Recharge Potential.
    Flood Hazard Areas.
    Other maps may be required by the Planning Board, depending upon the peculiar site characteristics, in order for the Board to determine compliance with Subsection A herein.
    Stormwater management plan overview.
    The applicant shall provide a brief overview narrative describing stormwater management on the site. Topics discussed shall include, but not be limited to: existing storm water runoff volume and rate and anticipated changes with proposed development at various level storm events, including the two-, ten- and one-hundred-year storms; the existing direction of flow over the site and anticipated changes; the proposed measures to reduce stormwater runoff and maintain water quality in nearby stream and ponds; and the maintenance plans for proposed stormwater management facilities.
    To the extent that technical information is provided as part of a development application in accordance with Article VII, Stormwater Control, of Part 3 of this chapter, it need not be duplicated here but may be referenced as part of the preliminary EIS.
    Requirements of detailed EIS. The preliminary EIS shall be reviewed by the West Windsor Environmental Commission for completeness, and the potential environmental impact of the proposed project shall be assessed according to the standards as set forth in Subsection A herein. The Environmental Commission shall recommend action on the project to the Planning Board as to whether the project meets the standards of Subsection A herein. If the Environmental Commission determines that said standards are not met by the preliminary EIS as submitted, the developer shall have the option of submitting more detailed information or clarifying information with respect to those areas of the preliminary EIS which the Environmental Commission feels are deficient and warrant a detailed EIS.
Amended 12-22-1980 by Ord. No. 80-41