§ 200-48. Expedited review; low/moderate-income developments.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    A major development application containing low/moderate-income units shall be reviewed for completeness and a determination made within 15 days of its receipt for official processing. Thereafter, 45 days will be allotted for review of preliminary applications and 30 days for the review of final applications by the appropriate Township agencies and other governmental entities as may be deemed appropriate. Upon completion of the review period or within 60 days of an application deemed complete for preliminary approval or 45 days for final approval, a public hearing shall be commenced on the application, it being given priority placement upon the Planning Board's agenda. Applications submitted under this section shall be subject to the Municipal Land Use Law's maximum approval time periods for preliminary or final applications or combinations thereof with respect to rendering a final decision on the application unless an applicant grants an extension to said time period.
    A nonbinding concept plan review of an application containing low/moderate-income units shall be heard by the Planning Board within 30 days' receipt of such a request by an applicant.
    Upon determination that the application is complete, the administrative officer shall forward a copy of the application to the Affordable Housing Committee.
    [Added 11-26-1990 by Ord. No. 90-29]
Added 2-25-1985 by Ord. No. 85-1