§ 200-57. Street intersections.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Angle of intersections. No more than two streets shall cross the same point. Street intersections shall be at right angles wherever possible, and intersections of less than 60º (measured at the center line of streets) shall not be permitted.
    Spacing. Only one point of access and one point of egress may be allowed each property except where large frontages 1,000 feet or larger are present. In those latter cases, streets shall not enter the same side of major collector or minor arterial streets at intervals less than 800 feet, major arterial streets at intervals of less than 1,200 feet or principal arterials at intervals of less than 2,000 feet. Streets which enter a minor or major/minor collector street from opposite sides shall either be directly opposite to each other or they shall be separated by at least 200 feet between their center lines, measured along the center line of the intersected street.
    Approaches. Approaches of any collector street to any intersection with another collector or an arterial street shall follow a straight line course within 100 feet of the intersection.
    Extra widths. Where a nonresidential collector street or a collector/arterial street serving more than 100 residential lots or dwelling units intersects with another collector or arterial, both the right-of-way and the pavement shall be widened by 24 feet for a distance of 200 feet back from the intersection of the right-of-way lines. (See diagram.)
    Editor's Note: The Extra Width and Sight Triangle Diagram is located at the end of this chapter.
    Sight triangles. In addition to right-of-way widths required for the full length of streets and wider intersections as specified above, sight triangles shall be dedicated as follows: The area bounded by the right-of-way lines and a straight line connecting sight points on street center lines which are the following distances from the intersection of the center lines:
    Where a local street intersects another local street, 90 feet.
    Where a local street intersects a collector street or minor arterial, 90 feet on the local and 200 feet on the collector or minor arterial.
    Where a local, collector or minor arterial intersects a major or principal arterial street, 90 feet back on the local, collector or minor arterial streets and 300 feet back on the major or principal arterial street.
    Sight triangle prohibited obstructions. No fences or any other obstruction nor any planting exceeding 30 inches in height as measured on a horizontal from the center line of the road may be placed in any sight triangle.
    Property access. Unless necessary to provide access to a lot in separate ownership existing before the date of this Part 2, no driveway access to a property or additional street intersection may be permitted within the extra widths or sight triangles, as specified herein.
    Street and neighborhood or directional signs.
    Street signs shall have reflectorized white letters on a green background. Letters shall be four inches high, except those marking collector or primary streets, which shall be six inches high. Signs shall be placed in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, latest edition.
    At the discretion of the Planning Board, similar neighborhood or directional signs with letters eight inches high may be permitted or required.