§ 200-115. Contents of general development plan.  

Latest version.
  • A general development plan shall include the following:
    A general land use plan indicating the tract area and general locations of the land use uses to be included in the planned development. The total number of dwelling units and amount of nonresidential floor area to be provided and proposed land area to be devoted to residential and nonresidential use shall be set forth. In addition, the proposed types of nonresidential uses to be included in the planned development shall be set forth, and the land area to be occupied by each proposed use shall be estimated. The gross density and intensity of use of the entire planned development shall be set forth, and a residential gross as well as net density and a nonresidential floor area ratio shall be provided.
    A circulation plan showing the general location and types of transportation facilities, including facilities for pedestrian access, within the planned development and any proposed improvement to the existing transportation system outside the planned development. The plan shall indicate:
    The projected peak hour traffic volumes on arterial and collector roads at the estimated time of completion of the initial proposed section of the planned development and at the time of completion of ultimate development of the project, including both internal and adjacent external volumes.
    The peak hour volume capacity relationship or level of service at ultimate development on major collector and arterial roads servicing the planned development.
    The projected peak hour turning movements at ultimate development for all major intersections, both internally and adjacent to the project.
    A general description of any off-tract road or intersection improvements necessitated by the planned development and a general schedule for their implementation.
    The traffic circulation plan shall describe appropriate mass transit opportunities within and to the planned development, including any traffic management techniques anticipated to be utilized in achieving peak hour traffic reductions.
    An open space plan showing the proposed land area and general location of parks and any other land area to be set aside for conservation and recreational purposes and a general description of improvements proposed to be made thereon, including a plan for the operation and maintenance of parks and recreational lands.
    A utility plan indicating the need for and showing the proposed location of sewage and water lines and drainage facilities necessitated by the physical characteristics of the site, proposed methods for handling solid waste disposal and a plan for the operation and maintenance of proposed utilities.
    A stormwater management plan setting forth the proposed method of controlling and managing stormwater on the site.
    An environmental inventory as specified in Part 1, Site Plan Review, of this chapter for a preliminary EIS, including a general description of the vegetation, soils, topography, geology, surface hydrology, climate and cultural resources of the site, existing manmade structures or features and the probable impact of the development on the environmental attributes of the site.
    A community facility plan indicating the scope and type of supporting community facilities which may include, but not be limited to, educational or cultural facilities, historic sites, libraries, hospitals, firehouses and police stations.
    If applicable, a housing plan outlining the number of housing units to be provided and the extent to which any housing obligation assigned to the municipality pursuant to P.L. 1985, c. 222 (N.J.S.A. 52:27D-301 et seq.) will be fulfilled by the development.
    A local service plan indicating those public services which the applicant proposes to provide and which may include, but not limited to, water, sewer, cable and solid waste disposal.
    A fiscal report describing the anticipated demand on municipal services to be generated by the planned development and any other financial impacts to be faced by the Township or school district as a result of the completion of the planned development. The fiscal report shall also include a detailed protection of property tax revenues which will accrue to the county, the Township and school district according to the timing schedule provided under Subsection K of this section and following the completion of the planned development in its entirety.
    A proposed timing schedule in the case of a planned development whose construction is contemplated over a period of years, including any terms or conditions which are intended to protect the interests of the public and of the residents who occupy any section of the planned development prior to the completion of the development in its entirety. In addition, the timing schedule shall indicate:
    That adequate protection is provided to ensure the proper disposition of each stage through the use of maintenance and the performance guaranties, covenants and other formal agreements.
    Information that indicates the stage is substantially self-functioning and self-sustaining with regard to access, utility services, parking, common open space, all amenities and other similar features. Further, each stage shall be capable of occupancy, operation and maintenance upon completion of construction and development of that stage or, in the case of subsequent stages, such subsequent stages shall likewise be in harmony with those under construction or in place.
    That each stage is properly related to every other segment of the planned development and to the community as a whole and to all necessary community services which are available or which may be needed to serve the planned development in the future.
    A description of the off-tract and off-site improvements that would be constructed by a particular stage and proposed responsibility for construction of such improvements, including pro rata share computations as appropriate.
    A municipal development agreement, which shall mean a written agreement between a municipality and a developer relating to the planned development.