§ 200-210. ROM-1 District bulk and area regulations.  

Latest version.
  • The following shall be the standards for the ROM-1 District:
    Minimum lot area: seven acres.
    Minimum lot frontage: 350 feet.
    Minimum lot width: 400 feet.
    Minimum lot depth: not applicable.
    Minimum yards:
    Front yard: 125 feet with a seventy-five-foot landscape area at the street right-of-way.
    Rear yard: 40 feet.
    Side yards: There shall be two side yards with a minimum of 40 feet each.
    Yards abutting residential districts.
    [Amended 8-12-1991 by Ord. No. 91-18]
    The above yards, including the landscape transition buffer and screen requirements, shall be increased by 35 feet in those instances where they abut, in whole or in part, a residential zone district or lot line.
    Furthermore, in those instances involving greater than a two-story building or structure with an associated parking facility for both nonresidential and residential uses, the minimum setbacks as measured to the nearest residential district zone line shall be as set forth below. These increased setback requirements shall apply only to a development application which contains a planned commercial development.
    For buildings and structures the minimum setback shall be 500 feet.
    For pervious and impervious surfaces the minimum setback shall be 300 feet.
    [Amended 9-15-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-21]
    The Planning Board may reduce these setback standards, but in no event shall the setback be reduced by more than 50%, upon a satisfactory showing by the applicant that, through the provision of berming and landscaping, or in combination with building site placement, a complete visual screen of the nonresidential uses is achieved when viewed from existing grade level at an adjacent residential property line. The following criteria shall be used as a guide by the Planning Board in its review of a request to relax the increased setback standards:
    The height of berm and its associated landscaping, including the density of plant material on the berm, shall be increased above the minimum buffer requirements established by the Township's landscape standards contained in § 200-91P of Part 3, Subdivision and Site Plan Procedures, of this chapter. Such increase in berm height or plant materials or combinations thereof shall be provided so that the proposed structure is not visible above the proposed buffer at the reduced setback line when viewed from existing grade level at the adjacent residential property line. An effective visual buffer shall be established within two growing seasons of its initial installation.
    Grading and planting plans, together with site section drawings showing lines of sight from a residential property line, shall be provided to demonstrate a site plan's conformance with these requirements.
    Maximum FAR: The maximum permitted FAR shall be allowed to vary according to the following schedule:
    Use in
    Maximum FAR
    One-story buildings
    Multistory buildings
    Maximum improvement coverage: 50%.
    Maximum building height: three stories, but not more than 45 feet.
Amended 2-16-1993 by Ord. No. 93-01