§ 200-219.2. R&D District bulk and area regulations.  

Latest version.
  • The following shall be the standards for the R&D District:
    Minimum tract area: the R&D District shall be developed in accordance with a comprehensive plan, and the minimum tract area shall be the entirety of the district.
    Standards for lots within the mixed use planned development: none.
    Development design, building arrangement, lot width, depth and yards shall be the same as the standards for a mixed use planned development in the ROM-1 District, except as modified by § 200-219.2G(4)(a).
    Maximum building height and placement standards shall be the same as the standards for a mixed use planned development in the ROM-1 District.
    Common open space design covenants, conditions and restrictions shall be the same as the standards for a mixed use planned development in the ROM-1 District.
    There shall be a development staging program complying with the standards therefor for a mixed use planned development in the ROM-1 District and with § 200-219.2G(5)(b) and (c).
    Permitted floor area and parking spaces; minimum percentage of low traffic-generating uses; provision of transit-friendly design; installation of special roadway project and shuttle service; and development phasing with respect thereto.
    Maximum FAR. The maximum floor area permitted is .21 and shall be calculated on a district-wide basis.
    Parking spaces. The applicant shall provide no more than one parking space per 500 square feet of research uses, 445 square feet of hotel and conference uses, and 300 square feet for all other uses. The applicant shall not create any more spaces through restriping or other means.
    Low traffic-generating uses.
    The minimum floor area devoted to low traffic-generating uses shall be 30%.
    The following shall be considered low traffic-generating uses:
    Research and research laboratories, provided that the facilities do not generate a need for more than one parking space per 500 square feet of floor area.
    Hotels and conference centers.
    Transit-friendly design.
    The development shall be designed in a transit-friendly manner in accordance with the following design elements and shall show a transit way consistent therewith, except that such elements shall be superceded by any transit-friendly design criteria specific to this transit way adopted by a higher level jurisdiction having authority over such transit way:
    All of the building main entrances shall be within 1,000 feet, measured by using the sidewalk system, of a transit stop.
    Transit stops within the developed site area shall be spaced 1,000 feet to 2,000 feet apart.
    Right-of-way width dedicated for transit shall accommodate two one-way directional track ways with boarding areas on each side at each transit stop.
    Transit stops shall be designed to include amenities in the form of shelters with benches, lighting, and directional signage and shall be proximate to such business support uses as are included in the development.
    Site design shall provide the shortest and most convenient distances from transit stops to the main entrances of the buildings on site.
    The following standards shall be relaxed when the applicant provides a transit-friendly design.
    Minimum spacing between buildings:
    The requirement in § 200-209A(8)(e)[2][c] of 35 feet between buildings or average height of the structures, whichever is greater, may be reduced to the standards set forth in § 200-30A(1) and (4) and B.
    The requirement in § 200-30A(5) of a minimum window wall to window wall distance of 75 feet may be reduced to 50 feet.
    Minimum spacing between buildings and parking:
    The requirement in § 200-30A(3) of a twelve-foot minimum between any building face and parking area may be reduced to 10 feet.
    Minimum spacing between buildings and parking and on-site roadways:
    The requirement in § 200-209A(8)(e)[2][a] of 100 feet from an internal road right-of-way with a fifty-foot landscape area may be reduced to 20 feet with no required landscape area.
    The applicant shall dedicate the right-of-way for the proposed light rapid transit, bus rapid transit, or other transit way to the Township, provided its layout and location have been approved by the Planning Board. Such dedication shall take place at such time as the Township Council requires in order for the fixed guideway transit or other transit system in the right-of-way to operate, but no earlier than when the alignment of the roadway improvement project described in the Circulation Element of the Master Plan as the Millstone By-Pass or its functional equivalent, as defined in § 200-219.2G(5)(a), has been set.
    Provision of special roadway improvement and shuttle service and phasing with respect thereto.
    The Millstone By-Pass as described in the Circulation Element of the Master Plan or its functional equivalent shall be shown on any application in the R&D District. Such functional equivalent shall be acceptable to the Planning Board and shall
    Be a public street;
    Have the same right-of-way width as is shown on the Circulation Element for the Millstone By-Pass; and
    Be located on the R&D District tract, but not in close proximity to the adjoining residences.
    The R&D District shall not contain more than 1,200,000 square feet of floor area before the special project set forth in § 200-219.2G(5)(a) is constructed.
    The R&D District shall not contain more than 1,200,000 square feet of floor area before the developer paves a portion of the approved transit way right-of-way or such other right-of-way as is approved on a temporary basis by the Planning Board to support a shuttle bus service to the Princeton Junction train station and commences a shuttle bus service using such line. The service's operation shall be acceptable to Township Council and the Office of Community Development.
    Agreement with Township. The applicant and owner shall enter into an agreement with the Township in recordable form and binding on their successors-in-title. It shall include:
    A statement of the floor area being used for low traffic-generating uses and the nature of such uses.
    A provision that the low traffic-generating use space cannot be used for other than the approved uses when doing so results in less than 30 percent of the floor area being devoted to low traffic-generating uses except upon a determination by the Planning Board that a proposal made after the original approval, including limiting use to a portion of the space, contains only permitted uses and will not generate more peak hour traffic than did the approved space.
    A provision that makes the agreement a covenant running with the land.
    Maximum improvement coverage: 45%.