§ 200-219.4. ROR District, bulk, area, and other regulations.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    The following standards shall apply to all uses in the ROR District except for cultural and social community campuses and places of worship and associated parish houses and religious school buildings:
    The lot area, size, and yard standards shall be as set forth in § 200-210, except as provided in § 200-209A(8) in the case of mixed-use planned developments.
    Maximum FAR: 0.21.
    Maximum improvement coverage: 45%.
    Maximum building height: three stories, but not more than 45 feet.
    The development shall include a pedestrian and bicycle circulation plan acceptable to the Planning Board and providing for appropriate connections to neighboring properties.
    The development shall include easements for future bus stops and bus rapid transit/light rail transit rights-of-way.
    No development other than drainage improvements when no other location is suitable, Clarksville Road access drives, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and pedestrian bridges shall be permitted in the Greenbelt shown on the Conservation Element of the Master Plan, except that recreation uses shall be permitted in upland woodlands if tree clearing is not required.
    The following standards shall apply to cultural and social community campuses on tracts of more than 75 acres in the ROR District:
    Minimum tract size: 75 acres.
    Tract area, size and yard standards:
    Minimum tract frontage: 350 feet.
    Minimum tract width: 400 feet.
    Minimum tract depth: not applicable.
    Minimum yards for the tract:
    Front yard: 125 feet with a seventy-five-foot landscape area at the street right-of-way.
    Rear yard: 40 feet, except that there is no required minimum for rear yards that abut property owned by the Township of West Windsor.
    Side yards: There shall be two side yards of at least 40 feet each, except that there is no required minimum for a side yard that abuts property owned by the Township of West Windsor, provided that the other side yard is at least five feet.
    The development shall include a pedestrian and bicycle circulation plan acceptable to the Planning Board and providing for appropriate connections to neighboring properties.
    The development shall include easements for future bus stops and bus rapid transit/light rail transit rights-of-way.
    No development other than drainage improvements when no other location is suitable, Clarksville Road access drives, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and pedestrian bridges shall be permitted in the Greenbelt shown on the Conservation Element of the Master Plan, except that recreation uses shall be permitted in upland woodlands if tree clearing is not required.
    The following standards shall apply to places of worship and associated parish houses and religious school buildings that are not part of a cultural and social community campus and for cultural and social community campuses on tracts of 20 acres or less in the ROR District:
    Minimum tract size: seven acres.
    Tract area, size and yard standards:
    Minimum tract frontage: 100 feet.
    Minimum tract width: 200 feet.
    Minimum tract depth: 250 feet.
    Minimum yards for the tract:
    Front yard: 50 feet.
    Rear yard: 30 feet, except that there is no required minimum for rear yards for recreation uses in rear yards that abut property owned by the Township of West Windsor.
    Side yard: 30 feet, except that there is no required minimum for a side yard for recreation uses in side yards that abut property owned by the Township of West Windsor, provided that the other side yard is at least five feet.
    The following standards shall apply to all cultural and social community campuses:
    All land in common ownership shall be developed as one integrated cultural and social community campus.
    Maximum tract-wide FAR: 0.21, except that recreational uses may not exceed 90,000 square feet for a tract up to 20 acres and shall be exempt from such FAR requirement.
    Maximum tract-wide improvement coverage: 45%, except that recreational structures on a tract up to 20 acres shall be exempt therefrom.
    Maximum building height: three stories, but not more than 45 feet.
    Individual lot requirements. There shall be no maximum FAR or limitation on maximum improvement coverage for individual lots in cultural and social community campuses in the ROR District, provided that the cultural and social community campus conforms to a site plan approved by the board of jurisdiction. Lot widths, frontages, rear yards, side yards, front yards, lot dimensions, parking lot locations, and building distances may be freely arranged and disposed of. A lot need not front on a street, and there are no minimum distances between buildings. However, each individual lot shall be subject to and may only be improved in accordance with the final site plan approval for the cultural and social community campus development in accordance with these district regulations. Final subdivision approval may be granted only as part of or subsequent to final site plan approval for the cultural and social community campus. The board of jurisdiction shall condition final subdivision approval upon submission by the applicant and approval by the board attorney of a declaration of covenants and restrictions or other suitable instrument setting forth the mechanisms by which, and providing adequate assurances that, routine external maintenance, maintenance of the common open space, garbage collection, snow removal, and other appropriate items will be provided for the cultural and social community campus.
Added 6-2-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-16