§ 200-156. RR/C Residence District use regulations.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Permitted uses. In an RR/C District, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be erected or altered on a lot which is arranged, intended or designed to be used, except for one or more of the following uses:
    Single-family detached dwelling.
    Home occupations subject to the regulations contained in Article XXXI of this Part 4.
    Public and nonprofit parks, playgrounds, athletic fields, recreation and community buildings, swimming pools and other activities of a recreational character, such as golf and tennis clubs.
    Farm and agricultural activities or use of land, subject to the regulations contained in Article XXXI of this Part 4. Commercial composting is not a permitted use.
    The sale and processing of agricultural products raised or grown on the particular farm from which it is sold, subject to the regulations contained in Article XXXI of this Part 4.
    Temporary buildings, temporary construction offices and temporary storage of materials, provided that such use is located on the lot where construction is taking place or on a lot adjacent to or part of the development site and that such temporary use is to be terminated within 30 days of issuance of a final certificate of occupancy for the total project or work is abandoned according to N.J.S.A. 5:23-2.5(c)2.
    Accessory uses and accessory buildings incidental to the above uses and located on the same lot.
    Community residences for the developmentally disabled, community shelters for victims of domestic violence. community residences for the terminally ill, and community residences for persons with head injuries serving not more than 15 persons and otherwise meeting the standards and criteria set forth in N.J.S.A. 40:55D-66.2, including being duly licensed pursuant to the statutes referenced therein. All requirements for single-family residences set forth in the Land Use Ordinance, Chapter 200 of the West Windsor Code, shall apply to such community residences. Review by the board of jurisdiction, except when variances are sought, shall not be required.
    Building structures and uses owned and operated by the Township of West Windsor.
    Veterinary clinics in existence as of January 1, 2000. They shall be subject to the requirements for the RR/C District, except as modified below, and to the following special requirements:
    Minimum lot area: 3 1/3 acres.
    The veterinary clinic shall be sited at least 150 feet from any residential use or zoning district.
    Buildings housing animals shall be soundproofed to a maximum transmission of 65 dB measured on the outside of the exterior wall. Other soundproofing requirements may be imposed by the board of jurisdiction, such as, but not limited to the following: nonopening windows and forced-air ventilation, solid core doors and sound-absorbent ceilings.
    Proper and ample ventilation of all animal areas in buildings shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the board of jurisdiction and shall meet all state licensing requirements.
    Animals may be kept overnight for medical reasons only.
    Animals shall be housed indoors and may be allowed outside only for short periods under staff supervision for hygienic or medical reasons. When they are outside, they shall be kept in a completely enclosed area.
    A maximum percentage of floor area for overnight holding of animals shall be limited to 30% of the gross floor area of the veterinary clinic/hospital building.
    The veterinary clinic shall have frontage on and primary access via an arterial roadway as defined in the Township's Circulation Plan.
    The building setback shall be twice that of the zone: 100 feet for front yard and 60 feet for individual side yards and rear yard.
    A landscape buffer at least 50 feet wide within the one-hundred-fifty-foot standard set forth in Subsection A(10)(b) above, consisting of deciduous and evergreen plant material, shall be provided sufficient to screen parking and structures year round from all abutting side and rear yards. Such buffer may be waived by the board of jurisdiction where the applicant demonstrates to the board's satisfaction that natural on-site vegetation, existing topography or other existing conditions provide acceptable screening from any surrounding residential property. In such case, the board of jurisdiction shall require a conservation easement to preserve this buffer screening.
    The veterinary clinic shall include a separate dwelling unit for the owner of the clinic, spouse and children, and such unit shall be attached to the clinic. The clinic shall be operated by the owner of the dwelling unit and may be operated only if the owner is residing in the unit.
    Only one veterinary clinic is permitted on each tract on which was located a veterinary clinic as of January 1, 2000.
    No cremation or disposal of dead animals is allowed on the premises. Disposal of used and contaminated veterinary medical supplies shall meet low-level hazardous waste disposal requirements.
    Maximum FAR for all uses: 9%.
    Maximum improvement coverage for all uses: 20%.
    [Amended 9-15-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-21]
    Pitched roofs, residential building materials (such as brick, wood and clapboard) and other architectural elements shall be employed to make the veterinary structure compatible with the portion housing the dwelling unit.
    Conditional uses. In an RR/C District, the following uses may be permitted as conditional uses:
    Open space cluster (OSC) development in accordance with § 200-174, provided that public water is available and that public sewer is available, and further provided that the record supports and the board of jurisdictions makes the findings for planned developments set forth in § 200-234B.
    Church or other places of worship, parish house or religious school building, subject to the following special requirements:
    The location of access driveways, landscaping and site plan design are compatible with the neighborhood in which it is to be located.
    No building or part thereof or any parking or loading area shall be located nearer than 50 feet to any street line or lot line.
    A parish house, rectory or parsonage shall conform to the requirements for a single-family dwelling.
    The minimum lot area shall be 3 1/3 acres.
    The maximum FAR for any such use shall be 13%.
    The maximum improvement coverage (MIC) for any such use shall be 40%.
    [Amended 9-15-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-21]
    A child-care center shall be considered an accessory and may be combined with this conditional use; however, the combined FAR and MIC of this conditional use and any child care shall not exceed the limits set above. In addition, any child-care use shall meet the requirements provided in Subsection B(9).
    Public and private elementary, junior and senior high schools, subject to the requirements of Subsection B(2)(a) and B(2)(b) of this section, in addition to minimum lot sizes as established by the New Jersey State Department of Education for school facilities.
    Public libraries and museums, subject to the requirements of Subsection B(2)(a), (b) and (d) of this section.
    Social clubs, fraternal, veterans, social service, union and civic organizations, subject to the following special requirements:
    The project meets criteria set forth under Subsection B(2)(a), (b) and (d) of this section.
    The project is designed to be structurally compatible and in keeping with the architectural character of the neighborhood in which it is to be located.
    Undue traffic congestion on streets providing access to the project is not created.
    Adequate landscaping or screening from adjacent residential lots along each side and rear lot line in accordance with the standards established herein and in Part 1, Site Plan Review, of this chapter, is provided.
    Water storage tank or tower, water reservoir, water or sewer pumping station and water or sewage treatment plant, subject to the following special requirements:
    The project is designed to be structurally compatible and in keeping with the architectural character of the neighborhood in which it is to be located.
    The project is in keeping with the Master Plan or Utility Master Plan of the Township.
    The project conforms with yard setbacks for the district in which it is to be located.
    Adequate landscaping in conformance with standards established in Article XXXI of this Part 4.
    Substations, electric and gas facilities and all other public utilities, subject to the following requirements:
    All those requirements of Subsection B(6) above.
    No storage of materials and trucks and no repair facilities or housing of repair crews, except within completely enclosed buildings.
    Transmission lines, transmitting and receiving antennae or aerials, subject to the following special requirements:
    None shall exceed 55 feet in height.
    None shall be of such height or position that aircraft warning lights are required by any governmental agency.
    All shall be so located on a lot and aligned as to be as inconspicuous as possible.
    The design for freestanding antennae structures shall be structurally compatible and in keeping with the character of the neighborhood in which it may be located.
    Child-care centers, day camps, kindergartens and preschools, subject to the following special requirements:
    At least 100 square feet of outdoor play space per child shall be provided.
    Outdoor play space shall be fenced or otherwise enclosed on all sides and shall not include driveways, parking areas or land unsuited by other usage or natural features for children's active play space. Fencing or other enclosures shall be a minimum height of four feet and shall be subject to all setback requirements for the district in which it is located. Gate doors, where provided, shall be equipped with safety locking devices so as to preclude inadvertent opening of the fenced enclosures.
    An outdoor play area shall be on the same lot as the child care center.
    The minimum lot area shall be 3 1/3 acres. The maximum number of children shall not exceed 40 per lot.
    No child-care center, day camp, kindergarten or preschool shall be located within 1/4 mile radius of any similar use.
    The location of access driveways, landscaping and site plan design are compatible with the neighborhood in which it is to be located.
    Such facilities shall be licensed by the New Jersey Department of Human Services.
    Undue traffic congestion on streets providing access to the project is not created.
    Adequate landscaping or screening from adjacent residential lots along each side and rear lot line in accordance with standards established in Article XXX of this Part 4, is provided.
    The hours of operation shall be limited to 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
    Maneuvering room must be provided on site for parking and unloading/loading of children so as to preclude the necessity for stacking or backing out onto a public street. No unsafe conditions for pickup and dropoff of children shall be permitted.
    There shall be a minimum of 35 square feet of usable activity indoor floor space for each child. Areas for administrative use, bathrooms, hallways, storage and kitchen areas shall not be counted in the calculation of the minimum required indoor play space.
    The taking in of nontransient boarders or roomers by a family resident on the premises, subject to the following special requirements:
    There shall be no display or advertising on the premises in connection with such use.
    There shall not be more than two boarders or roomers in any one dwelling.
    Editor's Note: Former Subsection B(11), regarding community residences for the developmentally disabled, as amended 5-18-1998 by Ord. No. 98-10, and which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 3-25-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-05.
Amended 12-15-1986 by Ord. No. 86-35; 12-16-1991 by Ord. No. 91-34; 11-30-1992 by Ord. No. 92-35; 12-14-1992 by Ord. No. 92-38; 9-27-1993 by Ord. No. 93-27; 12-20-1993 by Ord. No. 93-38; 5-18-1998 by Ord. No. 98-10; 7-27-1998 by Ord. No. 98-19; 5-1-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-08; 3-25-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-05; 1-7-2008 by Ord. No. 2007-27