§ 200-188. R-5A District bulk and area regulations.  

Latest version.
  • The following shall be the standards for the R-5A District:
    Tract development.
    Minimum tract area: five acres.
    Minimum tract frontage: 150 feet.
    Open space: Not less than 40% of the tract area shall contain green open space; individual lots or portions thereof shall not be construed as open space. Common open space shall conform to requirements for such open space, except as modified herein, as contained in § 200-190C of this article.
    Maximum permissible development density. The average gross density shall not exceed 10 dwelling units per acre.
    Maximum improvement coverage: 40%.
    Design: The standards and principles for design set forth in § 200-189A(2)(h)[2] of this article as well as those applicable provisions contained in Part 1, Site Plan Review, Part 2, Subdivision, and Part 3, Subdivision and Site Plan Procedures, of this chapter, shall be used in the design of residential uses permitted in this district.
    Individual lots. Bulk and area regulations for individual townhouse lots, subject to the regulations for such uses as contained in the R-4 District, § 200-181B, of this Part 4.
    Maximum building height.
    Building heights for all dwelling types exclusive of mid-rise apartments may vary from one to four stories, but in no case shall they exceed 45 feet.
    Building heights for mid-rise apartments may vary from four to six stories, but in no case shall they exceed 70 feet.