§ 200-194.3. PMN-1 District use bulk, and other regulations.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Purpose. The Planned Mixed Use Neighborhood-1 (PMN-1) District is intended to encourage a mix of residential development in conjunction with appropriately scaled and compatible commercial development consisting of retail sales and services, a hotel, corporate suites, general and administrative offices, fitness and instructional studios and similar uses with convenient access to Route 1 and proximate to the train station and surrounding commercial employment centers such as Carnegie Center. It is intended to be bicycle and pedestrian friendly and permit a compact mix of restaurants, commercial, market-rate and affordable residential dwelling units and plazas, and a limited service hotel. The PMN-1 District is intended to provide a compatible setting for affordable housing close to mass transit services and employment opportunities.
    Planned comprehensive development, development application requirements and required uses. Any development application in the PMN-1 District shall be submitted as a planned development, in the nature of a preliminary site plan application, for the entire district. Such application shall describe any phasing of the proposal, together with any on-site and off-tract improvements needed to support such phases. The application for preliminary site plan approval may also include a request for final approvals with respect to such phase or phases. The following shall apply:
    A PMN-1 development shall be subject to the requirements of this district and to the mandatory findings for a planned development as required by the Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-45.
    A minimum of 15,000 square feet of nonresidential floor area shall be devoted to neighborhood retail commercial goods and services.
    A minimum of 600 residential units, market and affordable, shall be provided.
    A limited service hotel with a minimum of 120 rooms shall be provided.
    A roundabout is preferred for the intersection of Meadow Road and Carnegie Center Drive.
    Principal permitted uses. In the PMN-1 District, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be erected or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used except for one or more of the following uses:
    Neighborhood retail uses providing for the sale of goods and services, not exceeding 30,000 square feet of floor area, including but not limited to convenience food stores, pharmacies, restaurants (excluding curb-service establishments and drive-through facilities), cafes, luncheonettes and delicatessens, indoor recreation facilities, including instructional studios and fitness centers, attended laundry and retail dry-cleaning services (not including bulk processing and, in the case of dry-cleaning establishments, not providing for the storage of more than five gallons of flammable or toxic cleaning fluid on the premises), book, newspaper, periodical and stationery stores, copy centers, parcel package shipping stores or mailing centers, bicycle shops and bicycle rental facilities, banks, and personal services establishments (e.g., barber or beauty salon and spa and massage services).
    A hotel.
    General and administrative offices and professional offices (e.g., physicians, lawyers and architects); small commercial offices (e.g., realtors and travel agencies); and offices incidental to uses permitted in this section.
    Garden and mid-rise apartments and townhouse dwellings. The residential units shall be subject to a 25% low- and moderate-income housing set aside in accordance with Subsection I.
    Permitted accessory uses.
    Recreational, clubhouse, swimming pool, recycling buildings, and open space facilities, including, but not limited to, walkways, courtyards, plazas, community centers, and community gardens.
    Off-street parking and loading designed in an aesthetically appealing manner in terms of layout and materials.
    Street furniture, planters, approved public art elements, gazebos, information kiosks, and waste/recycling receptacles.
    Sidewalk cafes associated with permitted restaurants.
    Fences and walls, which shall complement the architectural style, type and design of the building and the overall project design. They shall be constructed in accordance with a fence and wall design plan approved by the board of jurisdiction.
    Decks, patios and terraces, which shall complement the architectural style, type and design of the building and the overall project design. They shall be constructed in accordance with a deck, patio, and terrace design plan approved by the board of jurisdiction.
    Walk-up ATMs.
    Garages for use by tenants.
    Minimum tract size. The minimum tract area shall be comprised of Block 9, Lots 12.01 and 12.03, and Block 9.03, Lot 12.02, as shown on the tax maps of the Township of West Windsor.
    Location of nonresidential uses. Nonresidential uses shall be located on Block 9, Lot 12.01 within 700 feet of the Route 1 North Service Road right-of-way.
    Maximum improvement coverage. The maximum improvement coverage shall be 70%.
    Greenbelt preservation. No development other than walking trails shall be permitted in the greenbelt as depicted in the Conservation Plan Element of the Master Plan, except that the greenbelt on Block 9.03, Lot 12.02 may be modified at the time of development application review based upon the Delaware and Raritan Canal Commission buffer line. An easement shall be provided for all greenbelt shown on the approved plans not already subject to greenbelt easements. Any walking trail shall be designed so as to enhance the greenbelt.
    Affordable housing. Twenty-five percent of the residential component shall be low- and moderate-income housing meeting all of the applicable standards and requirements for affordable units, including those set forth Uniform Housing Affordability Controls (UHAC), N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1 et seq., and § 200-237. At least 50% of the affordable units shall be made affordable to low-income households, and at least 13% of all rental affordable units shall be made affordable to very-low-income households earning 30% or less of the regional median household income by household size, which very-low-income units shall be included as part of the low-income requirement. The remaining affordable units shall be made affordable to moderate-income households. The affordable units shall be located on site and shall be reasonably dispersed throughout each residential component phased in accordance with the affordable housing construction schedule set forth in NJAC 5:97-6.4(d). The state-wide nonresidential development fee shall apply to the nonresidential portion of the development to the extent that it includes other than residential uses.
    Public activity area. The PMN-1 development shall contain a public space on Block 9, Lot 12.01. The public space shall have a minimum area of 10,000 square feet, which shall be designed as a public activity focus for the development. Design elements, which may include patterns in the pavement, a fountain, gazebo, sculpture, bollards, sitting areas and landscaping, shall be incorporated into this public space.
    Residential unit standards.
    The average gross density shall not exceed 12 dwelling units per acre for the entire tract.
    Of the housing types provided, no one type shall exceed 75% of the total dwelling units to be developed.
    Building heights for all dwellings may not exceed four stories and 55 feet.
    Yard dimensions:
    Front yard: minimum of 15 feet on internal streets and drives and 25 feet on public streets measured from the property line. Paved areas for access to garages and parking lots are permitted in front yards.
    For dwellings that front Carnegie Center Drive, the yard setback shall be a minimum of 15 feet from the property line.
    Area, bulk, and other regulations for nonresidential uses on fee simple lots.
    Lot area: minimum of one acre.
    Lot width: minimum of 200 feet.
    Minimum lot depth: 200 feet.
    Yard dimensions:
    Front yard: minimum of 15 feet on internal streets and drives, and 35 feet on public streets, measured from the property line. Paved areas for access to garages and parking lots are permitted in front yards.
    Side yard (each side): minimum of 15 feet, exclusive of any canopy.
    Rear yard: minimum of 20 feet on internal streets and drives, measured from the property line.
    Maximum building height: 60 feet or five stories, whichever is less.
    Maximum improvement coverage: 75%.
    Commercial other than hotel and office.
    Lot area: minimum of one acre.
    Lot width: minimum of 200 feet.
    Minimum lot depth: 200 feet.
    Yard dimensions:
    Front yard: 25 feet.
    Side yard (each side): minimum of 20 feet.
    Rear yard: minimum of 20 feet on internal streets and drives, measured from the property line.
    Maximum store size: no more than 40% of the total gross floor area.
    The maximum building height shall be two stories or 30 feet, whichever is less.
    Area, bulk, and other regulations for office uses on fee simple lots shall be in accordance with the standards enumerated in the ROM-1 Zoning District.
    All nonresidential buildings shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from any existing residential lot not separated by a public road.
    Required off-street and on-street parking.
    All streets shall be designed to accommodate two travel lanes.
    The off-street parking standards set forth in § 200-27B shall apply, except as follows:
    Off-street parking for the hotels shall be one space per room plus 0.5 parking space/employee.
    Off-street parking for all retail or office uses shall be a minimum of one space per each 500 square feet of gross floor area. The applicant shall demonstrate that parking is sufficient for each use.
    Off street parking for restaurants set forth in § 200-27B shall apply in the PMN-1 District unless authorized otherwise by the board of jurisdiction based on the applicant demonstrating that parking is sufficient for the use.
    Except for the hotel and retail, off-street parking lots shall be prohibited in any front yard setback from a public street and shall be accessed by means of common driveways, preferably from side streets or lanes. Cross-access easements for adjacent lots with interconnected parking lots shall be provided where necessary. Shared parking facilities are encouraged where possible. Where off-street parking areas are visible from existing public streets of the development, they shall be buffered by landscaping or a low masonry wall.
    Pedestrian and bicycle accessibility.
    A comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian circulation system shall be provided between all uses, along roads, and through the open space.
    The developer shall provide paved pedestrian/bicycle linkages, including crosswalks, to all off-tract adjacent residential developments on the project side of Meadow Road as well as a sidewalk linkage or path to Old Meadow Road and Carnegie Center Drive.
    Pedestrian crossings in streets and alleys shall include special ground texture treatment such as brick, stone, cobblestones, concrete and other suitable material and shall be 10 feet in width. The treatment of any crosswalk shall be designed with materials that indicate the different traffic characteristics of intersecting streets.
    Safe and secure bicycle parking shall be provided.
    Signs. A comprehensive sign plan shall be prepared for all use types proposed within the PMN-1 District. The signs shall be compatible in design and integral to the architectural design. A mix of wall and hanging signs is required. The sign standards set forth in § 200-258D shall apply.
    Architectural design standards and guidelines.
    Buildings shall generally relate in scale to the surrounding buildings in the development and off-tract. Buildings shall reflect a continuity of treatment obtained by maintaining the building scale or by subtly graduating changes; by maintaining base courses; by maintaining cornice lines in buildings of the same height; by extending horizontal lines of fenestration; and by reflecting architectural styles and details, design themes, building materials, and colors used in surrounding buildings.
    Buildings shall avoid long, monotonous, uninterrupted walls or roof planes. Building wall offsets, including projections such as balconies, canopies, and signs, recesses, and changes in floor level, shall be used in order to add architectural interest and variety and to relieve the visual effect of a simple, long wall. Similarly, roofline offsets, dormers, or gables shall be provided in order to provide architectural interest and variety to the massing of a building and to relieve the effect of a single, long roof.
    The architectural treatment of the front facade shall be continued in its major features around all visibly exposed sides of a building. All sides of a building shall be architecturally designed to be consistent with regard to style, materials, colors, and details. Blank wall or service area treatment of side and rear elevations visible from the public views is discouraged.
    For residential units, gable roofs with a minimum pitch of 6/12 shall be used to the greatest extent possible. Where hipped roofs are used, it is recommended that the minimum pitch be 6/12. Both gable and hipped roofs shall provide overhanging eaves on all sides that extend a minimum of one foot beyond the building wall. Flat roofs are permitted, provided that all visibly exposed walls have an articulated cornice that projects horizontally from the vertical building wall plane. Other roof types shall be appropriate to the building's architecture. Mansard roofs are prohibited on buildings less than three stories in height. Architectural embellishments that add visual interest to roofs, such as dormers, belvederes, masonry chimneys, cupolas, clock towers, and other similar elements, are encouraged.
    Fenestration shall be architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors, and details of the building. Windows shall be vertically proportioned wherever possible. To the extent possible, upper-story windows shall be vertically aligned with the location of windows and doors on the ground level.
    All entrances to a building shall be defined and articulated by architectural elements such as lintels, pediments, pilasters, columns, porticoes, porches, overhangs, railings, balustrades, or others, where appropriate. Any such element utilized shall be architecturally compatible with the style, materials, colors, and details of the building as a whole, as shall the doors.
    Ground-floor retail, services, and restaurant uses shall have large-pane display windows. Such windows shall be framed by the surrounding wall and shall not exceed 75% of the total ground-level facade area.
    For residential units, natural materials such as wood, stone and masonry are recommended. High-quality artificial siding and metal roof materials are permitted. Other roof materials, whether asphalt or other material, must mimic slate or tile. Stucco or similar treatment may be used as an accent. Materials manufactured from local or regional manufacturers and from recycled or renewable resources shall be considered.
    Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, utility meters and regulators, exhaust pipes and stacks, satellite dishes and other telecommunications receiving devices shall be screened or otherwise specially treated to be, as much as possible, inconspicuous as viewed from the public right-of-way and adjacent properties.
    Street furniture such as benches, street lamps, bicycle racks, receptacles for litter, including mandatory recycling receptacles, bus stops, landscape planters and hanging baskets shall be provided. A standard street furnishing plan shall be established for the entire district. Options shall be established in order to permit variety. Furnishings manufactured from recycled materials shall be considered. Furnishings manufactured from local or regional sources shall be considered.
    All ground-level residential units are encouraged to have clearly defined front yards using landscaping, hedging, fencing or brick, stone, or masonry walls, none of which, except for approved planting, shall exceed three feet in height. Wood and chain link fences are not permitted.
    Snow storage and removal. Procedures for snow storage and removal shall be identified.
Added 3-18-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-06