Article XXXI. General Provisions and Supplemental Regulations Governing Certain Uses  

§ 200-223. Nonconforming uses.
§ 200-224. Additions and alterations to nonconforming buildings.
§ 200-225. Nonconforming lots of record.
§ 200-225.1. Reconstruction of partially or totally destroyed single-family dwellings and structures accessory thereto.
§ 200-226. Accessory structures and uses.
§ 200-227. Landscape transition buffers, strips, fences; screening of nonresidential from residential uses.
§ 200-228. Landscaping.
§ 200-229. Exceptions and supplemental requirements to bulk and area regulations for all districts.
§ 200-230. Off-street parking and loading requirements.
§ 200-231. Signs.
§ 200-232. Home occupations.
§ 200-233. Calculation of common open space.
§ 200-234. Planned developments.
§ 200-235. Utilities.
§ 200-236. [Reserved]
§ 200-237. Affordable housing regulations.
§ 200-237.1. Municipal Housing Liaison.
§ 200-237.2. Administrative agent.
§ 200-237.3. Affirmative marketing requirements.
§ 200-237.4. Enforcement of affordable housing regulations.
§ 200-238. Calculation of gross density and floor area.
§ 200-239. Recreation preservation development credits.
§ 200-240. Affordable housing fee requirements.
§ 200-241. Child-care centers.
§ 200-242. Minimum floor area of lower income units.
§ 200-243. Wireless communication facilities.
§ 200-243.1. Billboards.
§ 200-243.2. Affordable housing set aside.
§ 200-243.3. Prohibition against residential development in common open space.