§ 200-228. Landscaping.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Landscaping in nonresidential districts. Other provisions of this Part 4 notwithstanding, in any nonresidential district, the entire lot, except for areas covered by buildings or surfaced as parking, recreation or service areas, shall be seeded, sodded or planted with ground cover and suitably landscaped in accordance with an overall landscape plan consistent with the natural surroundings. All landscaping shall be properly maintained throughout the life of any use on said lot. Existing trees or landscaping located within 20 feet of any street line, lot or zoning district line shall not be removed, except upon written approval by the Planning Board, nor shall the existing grade within that space be disturbed without such approval.
    Landscaping requirements where parking is in front yard areas.
    So as to obstruct from view at the street line any parking area in the front yard, the front yard area not containing parking shall contain a landscape strip or screen. Landscaped earth berms may also be used in front yard areas where there is sufficient area to allow for their construction and long term maintenance. Such landscaping shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Board and shall be maintained throughout the effective period of any certificate of occupancy on a lot.
    Landscaping within parking areas. Any single parking area with 50 or more spaces shall, notwithstanding other requirements of this Part 4 and Part 1, Site Plan Review, of this chapter, provide at least 5% of its area in landscaping.
    Natural landscape area along watercourses. No building or parking area shall be located within 200 feet from the center line of any stream or within a flood hazard area, except as may be modified by Part 6 of this chapter, Flood Damage and Prevention. Such area shall be deemed to be part of any landscape area or landscape transition buffer when required.
    Screening of outdoor storage. Any article or material stored outside an enclosed building as an incidental part of the primary operation on a lot shall be so screened by fencing, walls or evergreen planting that it cannot be seen from adjoining public streets or adjacent lots when viewed by a person standing on the ground level.