§ 200-251. Building and land use permits.  

Latest version.
  • No building in any district shall be erected, reconstructed, restored, structurally altered, except for ordinary repairs as defined by the State of New Jersey, Department of Community Affairs, or used without a building permit, and no vacant land shall be used in any manner not involving the construction of a building without a land use permit. A building permit or a land use permit shall be duly issued upon application to the appropriate official and upon payment of the required fee, unless the premises are exempt from taxation. The amount of such fee shall be as set forth in the Chapter 82, Fees, of this Code. No building permit or land use permit shall be issued unless the proposed construction or use is in full conformity with all provisions of this Part 4 and all other applicable regulations. Any such permit issued in violation of the provisions of this Part 4 shall be null and void and of no effect, without the necessity for any proceedings for revocation or nullification thereof, and any work undertaken or use established pursuant to any such permit shall be unlawful.
    Building and land use permit application procedure.
    Every application for a building permit shall comply with such administrative rules regarding their issuance as may be enforced and available from the Construction Official and shall contain the following information, accompanied by a plot plan drawn to scale and signed by the person responsible for such drawing, which is acceptable to the Construction Official. If no such plot plan is available or acceptable, a survey, prepared by a licensed engineer or land surveyor, is required. In the case of accessory buildings, the Construction Official may waive such of the requirements set forth in Subsection A(1)(a) through (e) below as said Official may deem to be superfluous.
    The actual shape, dimensions, radii, angles and area of the lot on which the building is proposed to be erected or of the lot on which it is situated if an existing building.
    The exact size and locations on the lot of the proposed building or buildings or alteration of an existing building and of other existing buildings on the same lot.
    The dimensions of all yards in relation to the subject building and the distances between such building and any other existing buildings on the same lot.
    The existing and intended use of all buildings, existing or proposed, the use of land and the number of dwelling units the building is designed to accommodate.
    Such topographic or other information with regard to the building, the lot or neighboring lots as may be necessary to determine that the proposed construction will conform to the provisions of this Part 4, including but not limited to finished basement floor elevation, existing groundwater elevation, highest seasonally high groundwater elevation, the method of determining both the existing groundwater elevation and the highest seasonally high groundwater elevation and by whom these determinations were made.
    [Amended 4-20-1990 by Ord. No. 90-12]
    As a condition precedent to the application for a building permit for a new building, a proposed grading plan shall be submitted to the Township Engineer for review and approval. This plan shall include the proposed building footprint, first floor elevation and proposed ground elevations at the following locations: all lot corners, all building corners and at vehicle entrance to the garage. The plan shall also show the proposed finished basement floor elevation, the existing groundwater elevation, the highest seasonally high groundwater elevation, the methods of determining both the existing groundwater elevation and the highest seasonally high groundwater elevation and by whom these determinations were made. Proposed contours at one-foot intervals shall be shown and shall include proposed grading over the septic system area, if applicable.
    [Added 4-20-1990 by Ord. No. 90-12]
    A foundation location survey prepared by a land surveyor licensed in the State of New Jersey showing the as-built location of the building foundation shall be submitted to the Construction Official prior to backfill inspection of the foundation wall. The proposed foundation location as shown on the original plot plan shall also be shown on the foundation location survey.
    [Added 4-20-1990 by Ord. No. 90-12]
    Every application for a land use permit shall be accompanied by a plot plan drawn to scale and signed by the person responsible for such drawing, showing the manner in which the land is proposed to be used and any proposed fencing, screening and landscaping. The Zoning Officer may waive this requirement if the Zoning Officer deems it superfluous.
    Access prerequisite to building permit. No building permit shall be issued for the construction or alteration of any building upon a lot without access to a street or highway except upon application to and approval by the Board of Adjustment.
    Site plan review prior to building permit. No building permit shall be issued for any building that is subject to site plan review and approval, except in conformity with the requirements of said approval.
    Conditional use approval prior to building permit. No building permit shall be issued for a building that is to be used for any conditional use in any district where such use is subject to approval by the Planning Board unless and until such approval has been duly granted by said Board.
    Variance requirements prior to building permit. No building permit shall be issued for a building that is permitted subject to a variance granted by the Board of Adjustment except in accordance with all conditions which may have been prescribed by the Board.
    Copies and fee. The building permit application and all supporting documentation shall be made in such number of copies as may be required by the Construction Official and shall be accompanied by the required fee. The amount of such fee shall be as set forth in Chapter 82, Fees, of this Code. On the issuance of a building permit, the Construction Official shall return one copy of all filed documents to the applicant.
    Construction official time to act. The Construction Official shall within 20 days after the filing of a complete and properly prepared application as determined by the Construction Official either issue or deny a building permit. If a building permit is denied, the Construction Official shall state, in writing, to the applicant the reasons for such denial.
    Zoning approval prior to building permit. No building permit shall be issued for any structure until prior zoning approvals have been granted by the appropriate federal, state, county or municipal agency or agencies in accordance with the provisions of this Part 4 and until all review and inspection fees and all local taxes and assessments on the property have been paid.
    [Added 11-12-1996 by Ord. No. 96-27]
Amended 8-23-1982 by Ord. No. 82-39