§ 200-255. Amendments.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    This Part 4 or any part thereof may be amended, supplemented or repealed from time to time by the Township Council on its own motion or upon recommendation by the Planning Board. Every proposed amendment shall be referred by the Township Council to the Planning Board for a report, which shall be rendered within 35 days of such referral. Such amendments shall be governed by the procedural provisions regarding necessary public meeting and notices, quorum, voting and other stipulations as established in § 200-249 of this article.
    Report of the Planning Board on amendments. In making such report on a proposed amendment, the Planning Board shall make inquiry and determination concerning the items specified below:
    Zoning text amendment. Concerning a proposed amendment to or change in the text of this Part 4:
    Whether such change is consistent with the aims and principles embodied in this Part 4 as to the particular districts concerned.
    Which areas, land uses, buildings and establishments in the Township will be directly affected by such change and in what way they will be affected.
    The indirect implications of such change in its effect on other regulations.
    Whether such proposed amendment is consistent with the aims of the Master Plan of the Township.
    Zoning Map amendment. Concerning a proposed amendment involving a change in the Zoning Map:
    Whether the uses permitted by the proposed change would be appropriate in the area concerned.
    Whether adequate public school facilities and other public facilities and services, including roads, exist or can be reasonably expected to be created to serve the needs of any additional dwellings or such other uses likely to be constructed as a result of such change.
    Whether the proposed change is in accord with any existing or proposed plans in the vicinity.
    The effect of the proposed amendment upon the growth of the Township as envisaged by the Master Plan.