§ 63-1. Uniform Construction Code enforcing agency.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Established. There is hereby established in the Township a State Uniform Construction Code enforcing agency to be known as the "Division of Code Enforcement," consisting of a Construction Official, Building Subcode Official, Plumbing Subcode Official, Electrical Subcode Official, Fire Protection Subcode Official and such other subcode officials for such additional subcodes as the Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs, State of New Jersey, shall hereafter adopt as part of the State Uniform Construction Code. The Construction Official shall be the chief administrator of the enforcing agency. The Mayor shall appoint a Construction Official and any necessary subcode officials to administer and enforce the code.
    Each official position created in Subsection A hereof shall be filled by a person qualified for such position pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119 et seq., provided that, in lieu of any particular subcode official, an on-site inspection agency may be retained by contract pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119 et seq. More than one such official position may be held by the same person, provided that such person is qualified pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119 et seq. to hold each such position.
    The public shall have the right to do business with the enforcing agency at one office location, except for emergencies and unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances.
    Editor's Note: Original Section 10-1.2, Construction Board of Appeals, was deleted 5-11-1981 by Ord. No. 81-18.
Amended 4-19-1999 by Ord. No. 99-07