§ 66-1. Registration requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Except for entities required to register pursuant to the New Home Warranty and Builders' Registration Act, every person and entity engaged in the business of constructing, erecting, altering, renovating, repairing, restoring, re-roofing, re-siding, moving or demolishing the whole or any part of buildings or structures; or providing carpentry, masonry, HVAC or other work typically provided by subcontractors (other than plumbers and electricians) therefor; or engaged in the construction or installation of swimming pools; or engaged in the business of erecting or altering signs, for any of which a building permit is required, shall be required to register the name of such person or firm or corporation with the Division of Code Enforcement.
    The owner or occupant of a building or structure applying for a building permit required herein shall not be required to register, provided that the owner or occupant does his or her own work without use of any contractor or subcontractor and executes a sworn statement to this effect on forms supplied by the Construction Official.
    A construction contractor, corporation or partnership needs to register only once, so long as the work is performed solely by that entity. Work performed for the contractor, corporation or partnership by a subcontractor requires registration of each subcontractor for each relevant class listed in § 66-5. Hereinafter in this chapter, all references to "contractor" shall also refer to "subcontractor."