§ 82-5. Electrical subcode fees.  

Latest version.
  • Electrical subcode fees shall be as follows:
    Electrical fixtures and devices.
    [Amended 6-24-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-20]
    From one to 40 receptacles, fixtures or switches: $90.
    Increments of 25 additional items: $65.
    Residential garbage disposals: $25.
    Residential heaters, boilers, etc.: $25.
    Floor heat: $25.
    Heated towel bars: $25.
    Residential sump pumps: $25.
    Residential dishwashers: $25.
    Sewer ejector pump: $25.
    First sign: $165.
    Each additional sign: $80.
    Closed-circuit TV and intercom:
    Up to five: $165.
    Five to 25 cameras or intercoms additional: $195.
    Twenty-six or more additional cameras or intercoms: $260.
    Card reader mag locks:
    First door: $165.
    Each additional door: $30.
    Motors, variable frequency drives (VFD's) and control systems.
    [Amended 6-24-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-20]
    Greater than 1/2 hp or less than or equal to 10 hp: $25.
    Greater than 10 hp or less than or equal to 50 hp: $125.
    Greater than 50 hp or less than or equal to 100 hp: $200.
    Greater than 100 hp: $500.
    Electrical devices: transformers and generators.
    Greater than 1 kw or less than or equal to 10 kw: $75.
    Greater than 10 kw or less than or equal to 45 kw: $100.
    Greater than 45 kw or less than or equal to 112.5 kw: $300.
    Greater than 112.5 kw: $500.
    Service equipment. Term includes service panel, service entrance and subpanels.
    Each equipment piece priced as follows:
    Greater than 0 amp, less than or equal to 200 amps: $80.
    Greater than 200 amps, less than or equal to 1,000 amps: $350.
    Greater than 1,000 amps: $1,000.
    Service equipment: fees for transfer switches equal to service as above.
    Temporary pole/construction service: $125.
    Residential: permanently installed pools, in-ground or aboveground, including hot tub/spa, fountains (each): $125.
    Public: for fees, apply Subsections A, C and E.
    If applicable, underwater light (each): $30.
    If applicable, panel board (each): $80.
    Annual pool inspection: $130.
    Light standards exceeding eight feet in height (each): $75.
    Light standards less than eight feet in height: refer to item Subsection A.
    Smoke detectors, heat detectors, fire and burglar alarm expansion modules:
    [Amended 6-24-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-20]
    Group R-5 flat rate: $55.
    All other groups:
    One to 20: $200 each.
    Each 25 additional: $100.
    Electrical operated fire dampers (each): $25.
    Commercial alarm control unit: $150.
    [Amended 6-24-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-20]
    Note: price does not include devices; refer to item Subsection A.
    For smoke and heat detectors; refer to item Subsection J.
    Communications EF, MDF, IDF, TL: $125.
    Commercial lighting control panels (each): $80.
    [Amended 6-24-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-20]
    Commercial building automation systems and satellite systems (each) $165.
    [Added 6-24-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-20]
    Penalties. Penalties may be levied by an enforcing agency as follows:
    [Amended 6-24-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-20]
    Up to $1,000 per violation for failure or refusal to comply with any lawful order, unless the failure or refusal to comply is done with the knowledge that it will endanger the life or safety of any person, in which case the penalty shall be up to $2,000 per violation;
    Up to $2,000 per violation for failure to obtain a required permit prior to commencing construction or for allowing a building to be occupied without a certificate of occupancy;
    Up to $2,000 per violation for failure to comply with a stop construction order;
    Up to $2,000 per violation for willfully making a false or misleading written statement, or willfully omitting any required information or statement in any application or request for approval;
    Up to $500 per violation for any violation not covered under Subsection N(1) through (4) above.
    For purposes of this subsection, in an occupied building, a code violation involving fire safety, structural soundness or the malfunctioning of mechanical equipment that would pose a life safety hazard shall be deemed to endanger the life or safety of a person. In an unoccupied building, a code violation of a requirement intended to protect members of the public who are walking by the property shall be deemed to endanger the life or safety of a person.
    All monies collected shall be collected under penalty provisions of the UCC. All penalties collected shall be retained by the Department of Code Enforcement and shall be placed in a special trust fund to be applied to the cost to the department for training, technical support programs, certification, new equipment and transportation. An independent fund shall be set up and retained by the Director of Finance to be the Trustee of this account.
    Editor's Note: See Ch. 63, Construction Codes, Uniform.
Amended 3-22-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-08; 12-8-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-48; 3-27-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-09