§ 165-3. Licenses required.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Types of licenses. There shall be two separate licenses required before a vehicle for hire may operate on the streets of this municipality.
    Owner's license. No person shall own or lease a vehicle to be operated as a vehicle for hire without first having obtained from the Township an owner's license for the specific vehicle. In addition, all owners of a limousine and rental car chauffeur service industry must follow the law changes found in N.J.S.A. 48:16-22.3a that were adopted January 18, 2010.
    Driver's license. No person shall operate a vehicle for hire without first having obtained one of the following:
    In the case of a taxicab: a vehicle for hire driver's license, the procedures for which are set forth in § 165-6; or
    In the case of a limousine operator: chauffeur endorsement qualification letter, or a commercial driver's license (A, B, or C Class) with passenger endorsement "P" issued by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission.
    A list should be provided each year from the owner of the limousine company in the form of a spreadsheet, or copies of each chauffeur endorsement qualification letter or CDL with a "P" endorsement for each limousine operator. This includes all out-of-state companies that also operate within West Windsor Township.
    All drivers of a limousine and rental car chauffeur service industry must follow the law changes found in N.J.S.A. 48:16-22.3a that were adopted January 18, 2010.
    Owner licenses are transferable, provided that the license is in active status (has not lapsed due to a failure to renew) at the time of transfer (or on the date of death in the case of a transfer by will).
    License fees. License fees shall be as established in Chapter 82, Fees.
    Where to file application. Applications for all licenses issued under this chapter shall be filed on forms furnished by the Township, available at the municipal offices. Completed applications shall be submitted to the Municipal Clerk's office located in the Municipal Building.
    Falsification of information prohibited. Falsification of information on any application may result in rejection of the application.
    Limitation on number of taxi owner licenses. The number of owner's licenses issued to individuals who operate taxis shall be limited. The maximum number of owner's licenses issued to individuals or corporations who operate their vehicles as taxis shall be established at a maximum of 43.