§ 165-4. Taxi owner's licenses.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Who must file application. Applications for all owner’s licenses for vehicles for hire shall be made by the owner of the vehicle. The owner shall be responsible to bring in renewal paperwork for the lessee and each driver by the March 31 deadline. Lessees and drivers are responsible to provide their paperwork to the owner for submittal in a timely manner.
    [Amended 8-4-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-15]
    Time to file renewal application for owner's license. All renewal applications for owner's licenses issued under this chapter will be accepted from January 1 through February 28 each year. A charge of $25 will be imposed daily for late submissions.
    [Amended 10-16-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-31]
    Applications for newly transferred owner licenses or vehicle replacements will be accepted throughout the licensing year and shall be effective for the remainder of the current licensing year.
    Issuance and term of owner's license. Each owner's license issued under this chapter shall be effective for a period of one year, from May 1 to April 30 of the next year.
    Requirements for an applicant for an owner's license. Each applicant for an owner's license for a vehicle for hire under the terms of this chapter must conform to the following requirements:
    Be at least 21 years of age.
    If the applicant is a corporation, the corporation must either be incorporated in the State of New Jersey or incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the State of New York and authorized to do business in this state. If the applicant is an individual, the individual must be a resident of the State of New Jersey, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, or the State of New York.
    Not be convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude. If a partnership, this subsection shall apply to each partner, or, if a corporation, it shall apply to the officers and directors.
    The applicant must be a citizen of the United States or a legal resident alien. If the applicant is a partnership, then each partner must be a citizen of the United States or a legal resident alien. A copy of the alien registration card or work permit must be submitted with the application.
    Owners are responsible for the submission of all renewal paperwork, any transactions, transfers, leases, drivers and anything related to the taxi company and their lessees and/or vehicles.
    [Added 8-4-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-15]
    Insurance required.
    No owner's license shall be issued until the applicant has first filed with the Township a certificate of insurance issued by a company duly licensed to transact business under the insurance laws of New Jersey, evidencing the following minimum amounts of insurance coverage for each vehicle the applicant seeks to have licensed in the Township:
    Personal injury, per person: $50,000.
    [Amended 10-16-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-31]
    Property damage: $25,000.
    [Amended 10-16-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-31]
    Uninsured motorist coverage in such amounts as shall be fixed by statute at the time of the application.
    The Township of West Windsor must be named as an additional insured on any insurance policy submitted in compliance with the requirements of this subsection.
    The applicant shall, concurrent with the filing of a certificate of insurance with the Township, execute and deliver to the Township a power of attorney wherein the Township Clerk shall be appointed the applicant's true and lawful attorney for the purpose of acknowledging service of any process served against the insured pursuant to the insurance policy.
    Cancellation/termination/expiration of an insurance policy shall subject the licensee to a license suspension or revocation in accordance with § 165-9D.
    When the insurance coverage is changed to a different provider, proof of insurance shall be provided, and the certificate of insurance shall be provided within one week of the change.
    Leased vehicle requirements.
    [Amended 8-4-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-15]
    If the vehicle for hire is leased, the names of the owner, lessee, and name of company lessee is doing business as (d/b/a), and West Windsor Township must appear on the insurance policy and certificate of insurance submitted with the license application.
    A copy of the lease agreement must be submitted to the Township with the license application each year during the renewal period or at time of transfer to a different lessee.
    Fingerprints required. New applicants shall provide their fingerprints for new licenses on such form as may be prescribed by the Township. If deemed necessary by the Director of Public Safety, a SBI form may be required for new licenses. Renewal licenses will be required to file a SBI form yearly. Fees associated with this are authorized in Chapter 82, Fees. The results of the fingerprinting shall be sent by the prescribed entity or contractor directly to the West Windsor Township Police Division.
    Information required to be submitted on application for owner's license. An applicant for an owner's license shall be required to provide the following information on the application for an owner's license:
    If an individual, the full name of the applicant, street and post office business address and phone number; place of residence and phone number; previous places of employment; citizenship information; whether charged with, arrested or convicted of a crime or other violation of law and, if so, what crime or offense; whether previously licensed to operate a vehicle for hire and, if so, where; whether such license to operate has ever been revoked and, if so, for what cause; whether previously licensed to own a vehicle for hire and, if so, where; and whether or not such owner's license has ever been suspended or revoked and, if so, for what reason(s).
    If a partnership, the firm name, main office and branch office locations and names, addresses and phone numbers of partners. The additional information required in Subsection H above shall also be required for each partner.
    If a corporation, the name of the corporation, main office and branch office locations with phone numbers, the state of incorporation, the names and addresses of all officers and directors and their citizenship status and a list of all stockholders who hold more than 10% of the corporate stock, The additional information required in Subsection H above shall also be required for each officer and director.
    Information about the vehicle to be licensed, including the following:
    Vehicle year, make, model and color of vehicle.
    Vehicle identification number.
    New Jersey State license plate number.
    Passenger capacity.
    Insurance company, policy number and expiration date.
    All applications shall be signed by the applicant, if an individual, and, if a partnership or corporation, by a person duly authorized by said entity.
    Proof of insurance letter to be issued upon submission of complete application. Proof of insurance letter for the purposes of motor vehicle registration will only be issued by the municipality after a completed application, including proof of adequate insurance in the form of a certificate of insurance issued by an insurance company authorized to transact business in the State of New Jersey naming West Windsor Township and the owner of the license or lessee as the additional insured and a power of attorney are submitted. The issuance of a proof of insurance letter should not be construed as the Township's approval of the issuance of an owner's license. A fee shall be charged for the preparation of the proof of insurance letter for motor vehicle registration, as authorized in Chapter 82, Fees.
    [Amended 8-4-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-15]
    Operation only with license. No owner of any vehicle for hire for which an owner's license has been issued shall allow such car to be driven or operated by any person who is not the holder of an operator's license duly issued under the provisions of this chapter. Failure to comply will result in owner license suspension.
    Investigation of application. The Police Division shall make an investigation of the applicant's background, including records of the State Bureau of Investigation and municipality, as well as the applicant's prior licensing history. The applicant shall provide other relevant information as requested by the Police Division. The Police Division shall make a recommendation to the Director of Public Safety (or the Director's designee), who shall approve or disapprove the application.
    Changes in owner's license information. Any change in information contained in the owner's license application shall be reported to the Township within three days thereof. A charge in the amount of $25 shall be levied for each calendar day after three days that any such changes are not reported to the Township.
    Lost and replacement licenses.
    A lost or damaged license may be replaced upon application to the Township Clerk's Office if requested. The fee for replacement of a lost or destroyed license is as established in Chapter 82, Fees.
    In the event that information must be revised on the license, the licensee may obtain a replacement license with revised information by applying to the Township Clerk's office. The fee for a replacement license shall be as set forth in the Chapter 82, Fees.
Amended 12-23-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-15