§ 200-15. Minor site plan approval.

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  • A. 
    Objectives of review. The minor site plan shall be reviewed to determine the acceptability of the proposed site design modifications and shall be in sufficient detail to enable the Planning Board and its professionals to ascertain compliance with the performance standards and other standards of this Part 1 as well as applicable Township ordinances.
    Application. Two or more copies of the minor site plan, an application in a form approved by the Planning Board and the requisite fee shall be delivered to the administrative officer.
    Minor site plan details. The minor site plan application technical materials, notwithstanding any other requirements of this or other Township ordinances, shall contain the following:
    Locator map at a scale of one inch equals 2,000 feet, or larger scale, showing the lot and block number of the parcel in question and the lot and block numbers of adjacent and opposite properties. This map should also show any contiguous lot in which the applicant has any direct or indirect interest and the nature of the applicant's interest.
    A site plan at a scale of one inch equals 50 feet, or larger scale, and any supplemental plans that are necessary to properly depict the project. The minor site plan shall show the following information as appropriate to describe the proposed site modifications:
    North arrow, scale, graphic scale, date and notes and dated revisions.
    The zoning district in which the parcel is located, together with the district boundaries included within the boundaries of the parcel or within 200 feet therefrom. All setback lines, landscape strips, landscape buffers, building heights and other bulk requirements shall be shown and dimensioned. Any deviation from requirements of this Part 1 shall be specifically shown.
    Survey map, prepared by a licensed surveyor of New Jersey, showing boundaries of the properties, lines of all existing streets and roads, easements, rights-of-way, and areas dedicated to public use within 200 feet of the development. These shall be dimensioned and, where applicable, referenced as to direction.
    Reference to any existing or proposed deed restrictions or exceptions concerning all or any portion of the parcel. A copy of such covenants, deed restrictions or exceptions shall be submitted with the application.
    The existing and proposed contours, referred to United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Datum, at a contour interval of not less than two feet. Existing contours are to be indicated by solid lines. Any proposed change of on-site natural features (e.g., vegetation, wooded areas, watercourses, etc.) shall be specifically noted.
    The site plan shall include existing ponds, streams and watercourses as well as the designated greenbelt or wetlands as defined by N.J.A.C. 7:7A and Freshwater Wetlands Protection Act, if applicable. Any effects on existing drainage facilities resulting from the proposed site modifications shall be described.
    Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 13:9B-1 et seq.
    The location of all existing buildings, bridges, culverts, paving, lighting, signs or any other structures with grade elevations for each structure in the area adjacent the proposed site modifications. Grade elevations may be established from use of Township topographical maps.
    The distances measured along the right-of-way lines of existing streets abutting the property, to the nearest intersection with other streets.
    The proposed modification(s) to the existing use or uses of the land, buildings and structures.
    Specifically identified on the site plan, in tabular form, shall be pertinent zoning data indicating the bulk/area requirements of the zone in which the proposed development is located and how the proposed site modifications respond to the zoning requirements.
    The location and size of all proposed easements, rights-of-way, public areas to be dedicated to the public or to be restricted or defined by deed or any other arrangement. Also, location of any Master Plan proposals indicating roadway, greenbelt, public area or facility shall be shown.
    A tabulation of a proposed building's perimeter that fronts on a public or private street or on a fire apparatus space expressed in feet as well as percentage of total building perimeter linear footage shall be indicated as part of site data information contained on a site plan.
    Location of all utilities, including gas, electric, water, sewer and CATV.
    Minor site plan review. Within 45 days after submission of a complete minor site plan application or within such further time as may be agreed upon by the applicant, the Planning Board shall act on the minor site plan application.
    Minor site plan hearing. Planning Board action shall take place at a public hearing. Public notice of an application as provided in § 200-76 of Part 3, Subdivision and Site Plan Procedures, of this chapter, shall be required.
    Minor site plan action. After the conclusion of the hearing, but in no event later than the first regular meeting following the hearing, the Planning Board, by resolution, may approve, disapprove or conditionally approve the minor site plan.
    Decision of Planning Board. See § 200-77 of Part 3, Subdivision and Site Plan Procedures, of this chapter, for decision on minor site plan applications.
    Effect of minor site plan approval. Minor site plan approval shall guarantee the applicant that the zoning requirements applicable to minor site plan approval and all other rights conferred upon the applicant shall not be changed for a period of two years after the date of minor site plan approval unless otherwise permitted by law.
    Time limit for minor site plan approval and extensions. Minor site plan approval shall expire two years from the date of approval unless the applicant has secured a building permit to commence construction. The Planning Board may extend the approval and protection offered under Subsection H for one year. Up to three such extensions may be granted.
    Conditions of approval. The Planning Board may place conditions of approval, where appropriate.