§ 200-27. Circulation and parking.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Off-street parking. In all zones in connection with every industrial business, institutional, recreational, residential or any other use, there shall be provided, at the time any building or structure is erected or is enlarged or increased in capacity, off-street parking for automotive, bicycle and other vehicles in accordance with the requirements set forth herein. Such facilities shall be completed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. The applicant shall also meet the requirements of L. 1975, c. 221, and applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, requiring parking spaces for the handicapped.
    Schedule of off-street parking requirements.
    [Amended 12-22-1980 by Ord. No. 80-41; 12-27-1988 by Ord. No. 88-51; 12-16-1991 by Ord. No. 91-34; 5-1-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-08; 9-15-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-22]
    Motor vehicle parking requirements. The minimum number of off-street parking spaces with proper access from a street, alley or driveway for each use in all districts shall be as follows:
    Land or Building Use
    Minimum Standards
    Academic and administrative buildings for educational facilities of higher learning
    1 space for each 1.25 persons employed therein, plus 1 space as applicable for each 5 students
    Assembly hall, auditorium, stadium, theater, church or similar places of public of assemblage
    1 space for four fixed seats; where capacity is not determined by the number fixed seats, 1 space for each 40 square feet of floor area available for patron use
    Automobile and gasoline service station
    1 space for each gasoline pump, grease rack or similar service area, with a minimum of five spaces plus 1 space for each employee during the period of greatest employment
    Boarding, lodging or rooming room house
    1 space for each rental room in addition to the requirement for the dwelling unit for any family or household permanently residing therein
    Professional offices, except medical and dental offices
    1 space for 250 square feet of building floor area or 1 space for each 200 square feet of floor area, with each space in excess of 1/250 square feet constructed with a pervious surface
    Child-care center, preschool, kindergarten, day camp or institutional home
    1 space for each 300 square feet of building floor area
    1 space for each 4 persons of rated occupancy
    Drive-in or fast food establishment
    1 space for each 25 square feet of building floor area plus 1 space for each two persons employed therein
    Dwelling: single-family, detached unit
    1 space for each two bedrooms or fraction thereof
    Dwelling: all other dwelling units, except units for the elderly, in designated districts
    1.25 spaces for 1-bedroom unit, 1.75 spaces for 2-bedroom unit, 2.00 spaces for 3-bedroom unit or fraction thereof
    Dwelling: units designed and intended for the elderly
    1 space for each dwelling unit, except where it can be demonstrated that other than automobile transit will be available, in which case these requirements may be reduced accordingly
    Dwelling: additional spaces for guest parking
    0.5 space for each dwelling unit for additional visitor parking
    Financial institutions
    1 space for each 250 square feet of building floor area
    General office, corporate office, research offices
    1 space for each 250 square feet of floor area, with each space in excess of 1/300 square feet constructed with a pervious surface. Such spaces may be constructed and used only upon the approval of a certificate of need by the board of jurisdiction at either the hearing on the site plan application or at a subsequent noticed hearing at which the applicant demonstrates by clear and convincing evidence that there is a need for such spaces. Prior to such approval, such spaces shall be banked. (Such standards shall not apply to approved preliminary or final site plans that are within their protection period.)
    Hotel, motel or inn
    1 space for each rental room, plus 1 space for each two persons employed therein
    Manufacturing, wholesaling and warehousing
    1 space for each 600 square feet of building floor area or 1 space per employee on the maximum shift, whichever is greater
    Medical or dental clinic or office
    1 space for each 142 square feet of building floor area
    Mixed uses
    If two or more uses are conducted on one lot, the minimum required number of parking spaces shall be aggregate of the required minimum number of parking spaces for each use, computed separately, except as may be modified by § 200-28D of this article.
    Nursing homes
    1 space for each bed
    Personal service business
    1 space for every 200 square feet of building floor area
    Public or private schools
    1 space for each employee, plus 1 space for each 5 seats in the auditorium or other places of assembly available to the public
    Research laboratories
    1 space for each 500 square feet of building floor area or 1 space for each employee, whichever is greater
    Restaurant, tavern or similar establishment
    1 space for each 3 seating accommodations or 1 space for each 40 square feet of floor area devoted to patron drinking and dining use, whichever yields the greatest number of spaces, plus 1 space for each two employees employed therein
    Retail business, shopping center
    1 space for each 200 square feet of building floor area
    Retail business, individual
    Minimum of 1 space for each 350 square feet of building floor area; maximum of 1 space for each 200 square feet of building floor area
    Retail business, Princeton Junction Overlay Zone
    Minimum of 1 space for each 500 square feet of building floor area; maximum of 1 space for each 350 square feet of building floor area
    Supermarkets, food stores
    1 space for each 175 square feet of building floor area
    Undertakers, mortuary or funeral home
    1 space for each 60 square feet of floor area for seating accommodations, plus 1 space for each person employed therein
    Uses not specified
    As determined by the Planning Board in accordance with the standards established in § 200-28C(1) of this article
    Veterinary clinic
    1 space for each 300 square feet of building floor area, excluding areas devoted to utility and overnight stays by animals for medical purposes
    Bicycle parking requirements. In addition to the required facilities for passenger automobiles, facilities for the secure and convenient parking of bicycles shall be provided. The number of such bicycle spaces shall be one space for each 20 parking spaces or fraction thereof; provided, however, that should it be demonstrated that the proposed use of the development application will generate a greater need for bicycle parking than that provided for herein, the Planning Board may require a reasonable increase in bicycle parking spaces. Bicycle parking facilities shall be of such type and quantity as to encourage and facilitate the use of the bicycle as a means of transportation by the employees and customers of the land or building.
    Off-street loading requirements.
    Off-street loading area or berths, open or enclosed with proper access from a street, highway, common service driveway or alley, shall be provided for any use specified herein. In addition, such spaces shall comply with the design standards for such spaces as contained herein.
    Any land which is developed as a unit under single ownership and control shall be considered a single lot for the purpose of these loading requirements.
    Schedule of off-street loading requirements. In no case shall the required space be less than one loading area, and additional space shall be provided as follows:
    [Amended 12-22-1980 by Ord. No. 80-41]
    For retail stores, financial institutions, educational facilities, restaurants, wholesale, warehouse, general service, manufacturing or industrial establishments, the number of berths on the building floor area shall be as follows:
    Building Floor Area
    (square feet)
    Number of Berths
    Up to 4,000
    1 loading area
    4,001 to 10,000
    10,001 to 20,000
    Each additional 20,000 or major fraction thereof up to a maximum of 60,000
    Each 50,000 over 60,000
    1 additional berth
    For apartment buildings, motels, hotels, offices, dormitories, schools, places of public assembly or similar uses, the number of berths based on the building floor area devoted to such uses shall be as follows:
    Building Floor Area
    (square feet)
    Number of Berths
    Up to 10,000
    1 loading area
    10,001 to 100,000
    Each 100,001 or fraction thereof over 100,001
    1 additional berth
    For undertakers and funeral homes: one loading area for each chapel.
Amended 2-16-1993 by Ord. No. 93-01