§ 200-28. Supplementary parking and loading space requirements.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Fractional space. When the application of a unit of measurement for a parking space or loading space to a particular use or structure results in a fractional space, a space shall be required for each such fraction.
    Computing number of employees. The number of employees, where not clearly stipulated, shall be computed on the basis of persons to be employed, taking into consideration day, night and seasonal variations.
    Space requirements.
    [Amended 4-20-1990 by Ord. No. 90-12]
    Minimum requirements for uses not specifically covered. In determining minimum parking space requirements for uses not covered in this article, the Planning Board shall be guided by the number of persons to be employed in said building or by the use; the numbers of persons expected to reside in, visit or patronize the building or use; the anticipated percentage of residents, visitors or patrons using various transportation modes; and the need for safe and convenient loading space for visitors or patrons and goods. In all cases, minimum parking space requirements shall be in accordance with applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
    [Amended 2-16-1993 by Ord. No. 93-01]
    Additional parking requirements for multifamily development. For any multifamily development, 1/2 parking space per unit is required for additional visitor parking demands.
    Supplementary space requirements applying to motor vehicle parking and off-street loading.
    [Amended 12-22-1980 by Ord. No. 80-41]
    Collective or mixed uses off-street parking loading requirements. Collective provision of off-street parking and loading facilities by two or more buildings or uses located on adjacent lots is permitted to allow for the sharing of such facilities for commercial and multiple use centers according to the following schedule:
    For buildings or groups of uses of less than 10,000 square feet, the total parking and loading facilities shall not be less than the sum of requirements for the various individual uses computed separately.
    Where the total area of nonresidential use is greater than 10,000 square feet but less than 30,000 square feet, the total number of parking spaces provided shall equal one car for every 200 square feet of building floor area. Additional parking shall be provided for residential uses built in conjunction with a center of this size and shall equal at least 1.5 spaces for each dwelling unit. Off-street loading facilities may be based on documented, actual use of facilities similar to the combined uses or the total as required if calculated as separate uses.
    Where the total nonresidential use is greater than 30,000 square feet, the number of off-street parking spaces provided shall equal 5.5 cars for every 1,000 square feet of building floor area. Off-street loading facilities may be based on documented, actual usage of facilities similar to the combined uses or the total as required if calculated as separate uses. In centers of this size, which, in addition to retail shops and services, contain residential and/or office spaces, additional parking shall be provided according to the following:
    Residential: one parking space for each dwelling unit.
    Office: one parking space for each 300 square feet of building floor area which exceeds 20% of the total gross floor area of the nonresidential uses.
    Waiver of parking and off-street loading and unloading requirements.
    Excess spaces. Where it can be demonstrated, at the time of Planning Board review that the parking and/or loading and unloading requirements of this article will result in more parking spaces than actual needs require, the Planning Board may permit a portion of the proposed parking and/or loading areas to remain unpaved, but landscaped and improved only with a six-inch base course of one-and-one-half-inch crushed stone stabilized with topsoil and seeded to lessen stormwater runoff. Such unpaved area shall remain reserved for such future facilities needs and, if conditions in use or actual operation of proposed use vary, the Planning Board may require such unpaved space to be paved.
    Exceeding minimum off-street parking and loading requirements. Minimum off-street parking and loading requirements as required by this article may only be exceeded as permitted in this article or where it can be demonstrated at the time of Planning Board review that such additional parking facilities are necessary for the actual operation of a proposed use. In such instances, the Planning Board may grant an increase in minimum space on a lot, provided that all other bulk and area requirements are met for the use in the district in which it is located.
    [Amended 9-15-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-22]
    Educational facilities parking modifications.
    Where a building is for an educational institution which prohibits the ownership or operation of automobiles by students or that restricts the parking of student automobiles to designated institutional parking areas or to parking areas in another Township, such students need not be included in the calculation of automobile parking requirements.
    Institutional parking spaces of educational institutions that are provided for normal daytime activity for other purposes shall be considered to be available for such public uses as are normally conducted in the evening or on weekends in places of public assembly of such institutions.