§ 200-31. Lighting.  

Latest version.
  • In connection with every site plan, the applicant shall submit plans for all proposed exterior lighting. These plans shall include the location, type of light, radius of light, manufacturer's specification sheet and intensity in footcandles. The following design standards shall be followed:
    The style of the light and light standard shall be consistent with the architectural style of the principal building.
    The maximum height of freestanding lights shall be the same as the principal building, but not exceeding 25 feet.
    All lights shall be shielded to restrict the maximum apex angle of the cone of illumination to 150º.
    Where lights along property lines would be visible to adjacent residents, the lights shall be appropriately shielded. Such shieldings may include berming, landscape material, decorative fencing and, in the case of buildings in excess of two stories, interior window shades or other appropriate treatment that restricts exterior light passage. Site lighting, other than that needed for security purposes, shall be set on a timer system that shuts off all but security lighting of the site by 11:00 p.m.
    [Amended 12-27-1988 by Ord. No. 88-51]
    Spotlight-type fixtures attached to buildings and visible to the public shall be avoided.
    Freestanding lights shall be so located and protected to avoid being easily damaged by vehicles.
    Lighting shall be located along streets, parking areas, at intersections and where various types of circulation systems merge, intersect or split.
    Pathways, sidewalks and trails shall be lighted with low or mushroom-type standards.
    Stairways and sloping or rising paths, building entrances and exits require illumination.
    Lighting shall be provided where buildings are set back or offset, if access is provided at such points.
    The following intensity in footcandles shall be provided:
    Parking lots: an average of 0.5 footcandles throughout.
    Intersections: 3.0 footcandles.
    Maximum at property lines: 1.0 footcandles.
    In residential areas: average of 0.6 footcandles.