§ 200-32. Sign regulations.  

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  • Each site plan application shall include a sign plan showing the specific design, location, size, height, construction and illumination of proposed signs in accordance with the regulations contained herein. Sign functions and sign types are defined in § 200-4 of this chapter.
    Schedule of sign use regulations. Signs shall be permitted in each zoning district according to the following use regulations and other applicable requirements of this section.
    Permitted signs in residential districts. The following standards shall apply to all signs in residential districts.
    Permitted sign functions, type of sign, size of sign and maximum number of signs shall be as follows:
    Sign Function
    Type of Sign
    Size of Sign
    (square feet)
    Maximum Number of Signs per Lot
    Ground, hanging, wall
    12, 6 for hanging
    Ground, wall
    Ground, wall, integral
    Ground, wall
    Determined by safety considerations
    Ground, hanging, wall, integral
    No solicitation
    Permanent noncommercial
    Additional signs require approval of the Zoning Officer, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
    Sign illumination. Only wall signs and integral signs are permitted to be illuminated.
    Miscellaneous standards.
    Provisions for home occupation signage as set forth in Part 4, Zoning, of this chapter shall supersede requirements contained in this Subsection A.
    "No solicitation" signs shall be located on or within two feet of the primary public entrance.
    Permitted signs in nonresidential districts. The following standards shall apply to all signs in nonresidential districts, except signage for nonresidential planned developments where Subsection B of this section applies and for the Princeton Junction Overlay District where § 200-207.1D applies. No sign type other than those identified below shall be permitted.
    Wall signage.
    One wall sign shall be permitted per business.
    The following types of wall signs shall be permitted:
    Internally lit raised letters with concealed ballast.
    Back-lit raised letters with concealed ballast.
    Signage board with gooseneck lighting.
    Individual cut letters with gooseneck lighting.
    The maximum sign area shall be 90% of the linear business frontage, with a maximum area of 50 square feet. For example, if the linear business frontage is 25 feet, the maximum sign area shall be 22 1/2 square feet (0.9 by 25).
    The letter height shall be a maximum of 18 inches.
    Letters shall project a maximum of six inches.
    Wall signs shall not be permitted above the roofline.
    Street address signage.
    Street address signage shall be provided on each building or for each individual tenant.
    Street address numbers shall have a maximum height of eight inches.
    Ground-mounted project/tenant identification signage.
    One ground-mounted project/tenant identification sign shall be permitted for each site, provided that a monument sign is not installed.
    The maximum sign area shall be 48 square feet.
    The maximum sign height, including structure and sign area, shall be nine feet above existing grade.
    The base of the sign shall be constructed of materials that are consistent with the building architecture and shall be landscaped with plantings.
    If lighted, the sign shall be lit by direct, external light sources, internally illuminated letters/logos or back-lit raised letters/logos.
    Mounting hardware shall be hidden from view.
    Monument signage.
    One monument sign shall be permitted for each, provided that a ground-mounted project/tenant identification sign is not installed.
    The maximum monument sign area, including the structure, shall be 48 square feet.
    The maximum monument sign height, including structure and sign area, shall be four feet above existing grade.
    The base of the monument sign shall be constructed of materials that are consistent with the building architecture and shall be landscaped with plantings.
    Awnings and canopies.
    One sign with lettering per business shall be permitted on an awning or canopy, and logos shall be permitted on all awnings and canopies, provided that:
    The letter and logo height does not exceed 50% of the diagonal portion of the awning or canopy.
    The letter and logo height is located on the vertical flap and does not exceed eight inches.
    The letter and logo area does not exceed 15% of the area of the diagonal portion of the awning or canopy.
    The signage shall only be on first-floor awnings and canopies.
    Awnings and canopies shall be aesthetically compatible with the building and consistent with each other.
    Awnings and canopies shall be kept in good order and repair.
    All awnings and canopies shall be made of canvas or cloth.
    Window lettering and signs. Window lettering and signs shall be permitted, provided that they:
    Are inside the window;
    Do not exceed 15% of the window area;
    Pertain only to the establishment occupying the premises where the window is located; and
    Shall have a professional appearance.
    Directory signage.
    One directory sign per separate street frontage shall be permitted for professional offices and medical and dental offices.
    The maximum directory sign area shall be two square feet per occupant and shall not exceed 12 square feet.
    The directory sign shall be a wall sign.
    The letter height shall not exceed four inches.
    Instructional signage.
    Instructional wall and ground signs are permitted.
    The maximum number shall be determined by safety considerations.
    The maximum instructional sign area shall be two square feet.
    Nameplate signage.
    One nameplate shall be permitted per building.
    The nameplate sign may be a ground, hanging, wall, or integral sign.
    The maximum nameplate sign area shall be 1/2 square foot.
    Flag signage.
    One freestanding flag sign shall be permitted for corporate and professional offices.
    The flagpole shall be no taller than 18 feet measured from existing grade.
    The maximum flag area shall be 15 square feet.
    Flag signs shall be kept in good order and repair.
    Signage in nonresidential planned development. The following standards shall apply to all signs in nonresidential planned developments:
    Signage plan. All nonresidential planned developments shall submit a comprehensive signage plan indicating specific criteria for signage within the planned development. The comprehensive signage plan shall, at a minimum, indicate the type, size, style of lettering, colors, construction material, type of pole or standard and illumination and shall include a site plan and elevations of the entire property and locations and details of all proposed signage. Included in the comprehensive signage plan shall be all illuminated interior signs, which shall be consistent throughout the development and which shall not detract from the aesthetic impression created by the remainder of the signage plan.
    Wall signage.
    One wall sign shall be permitted per business for each front business facade and each rear or side business facade.
    The following types of wall signs shall be permitted:
    Internally lit raised letters with concealed ballast.
    Back-lit raised letters with concealed ballast.
    Signage board with gooseneck lighting.
    Individual cut letters with gooseneck lighting.
    For buildings within planned developments, the closest portion of which is less than 130 feet from the right-of-way, the maximum sign area shall be 90% of the linear business frontage, with a maximum area of 50 square feet, and the letter height shall be a maximum of 18 inches.
    For buildings the closest portion of which is between 130 feet and 400 feet from the right-of-way, the maximum sign area shall be 120% of the linear business frontage, with a maximum area of 100 square feet, and the letter height shall be a maximum of two feet.
    For buildings more than 400 feet from the right-of-way, the maximum sign area shall be 225% of the linear business frontage, with a maximum area of 150 square feet, and the maximum letter height shall be three feet.
    Wall signs shall not be permitted above the roofline.
    Monument signage.
    One monument sign for each nonretail building shall be permitted.
    The maximum monument sign area, including the structure, shall be 48 square feet.
    The maximum monument sign height, including the structure and sign area, shall be four feet above existing grade.
    The base of the monument sign shall be constructed of materials that are consistent with the building architecture and shall be landscaped with plantings.
    Ground-mounted project/tenant identification signage.
    One ground-mounted project/tenant identification sign for each street frontage shall be permitted for each planned development.
    The maximum ground-mounted project/tenant identification sign area shall be 165 square feet.
    The maximum ground-mounted project/tenant identification sign height (including structure and sign area) shall be 20 feet above existing grade.
    The height of the base of the ground-mounted project/tenant identification sign shall be at least 17% of the total height.
    The base of the ground-mounted project/tenant identification sign shall be constructed of materials that are consistent with the building architecture and shall be landscaped with plantings.
    The maximum letter height shall be 18 inches.
    A maximum of six tenants shall be permitted on the ground-mounted project/tenant identification sign.
    Color and materials of ground-mounted project/tenant identification signage shall be consistent with other structures on site, including buildings and other signs.
    If lighted, the sign shall be lit by direct, external light sources, internally illuminated letters/logos or back-lit raised letters/logos.
    Mounting hardware shall be hidden from view.
    Awnings and canopies.
    One sign with lettering per business shall be permitted on an awning or canopy, and logos shall be permitted on all awnings and canopies, provided that:
    The letter and logo height does not exceed 50% of the diagonal portion of the awning or canopy.
    The letter and logo height is located on the vertical flap and does not exceed eight inches.
    The letter and logo area does not exceed 15% of the area of the diagonal portion of the awning or canopy.
    The signage shall only be on first-floor awnings and canopies.
    Awnings and canopies shall be aesthetically compatible with the building and consistent with each other.
    Awnings and canopies shall be kept in good order and repair.
    All awnings and canopies shall be made of canvas or cloth.
    Window lettering and signs. Window letter and signs shall be permitted, provided that they:
    Are inside the window;
    Do not exceed 15% of the window area;
    Pertain only to the establishment occupying the premises where the window is located; and
    Shall have a professional appearance.
    Directory signage.
    One directory sign per separate street frontage shall be permitted for each planned development.
    The maximum directory sign area shall be two square feet per occupant and shall not exceed 12 square feet.
    The directory sign shall be a wall sign.
    The letter height shall not exceed four inches.
    Instructional signage.
    Instructional wall and ground signs are permitted.
    The number shall be determined by safety considerations.
    The maximum instructional sign area shall be two square feet.
    Nameplate signage.
    One nameplate shall be permitted per building.
    The nameplate sign may be a ground, hanging, wall or integral sign.
    The maximum nameplate sign area shall be 1/2 square foot.
    Flag signage.
    One freestanding flag sign shall be permitted for corporate and professional offices.
    The flagpole shall be no taller than 18 feet measured from existing grade.
    The maximum flag area shall be 15 square feet.
    Flags shall be kept in good order and repair.
    Street address signage.
    Street address signage shall be provided on each building or for each individual tenant.
    Street address numbers shall have a maximum height of eight inches.
    Prohibited signs. Any other provisions of this section or any other section of this chapter notwithstanding, the following signs shall be prohibited in all zoning districts:
    Signs which contain or are an imitation of an official traffic signal or hide from view any traffic street signal or sign.
    Signs which are designed to move, either by mechanical or other means. Signs which are portable, self-supporting without being firmly embedded in the ground, supported by another object or mounted on wheels. Signs placed on vehicles or trailers which are parked or located for the primary purpose of displaying said sign. This does not apply to signs or lettering on buses, taxis or vehicles operating during the normal course of business.
    Any abstract mosaic, mural or painting or graphic art techniques applied, implanted or placed directly onto a wall, fence or exterior of a building.
    Mounted or portable search lighting used to project moving or stationary overhead light beams.
    Signs which flash, or are accented by flashing lights, except for time and temperature indicators and emergency highway lights.
    Signs which emit odors or smoke or produce noise or sounds capable of being heard, even though the sounds produced are not understandable.
    Silhouetted or three-dimensional signs; e.g., signs lacking a background and having letters, figures or devices silhouetted against the sky or other open space not a part of the sign and/or signs in which objects or representational devices are present in the round or other than in a vertical plane.
    Any freestanding sign or any sign projecting from a building within a triangular area bounded by the intersection of two right-of-way lines and a line connecting points 30 feet from such intersection along the right-of-way lines, whether existing or shown on the Master Plan or in sight clearance triangles specified in other regulations.
    Any sign erected upon, against or above a roof or on top of a parapet of a building.
    Advertising signs, including billboards and temporary off-site advertising signs usually attached to the ground or appended to posts, unless specifically permitted as a conditional use and developed in accordance with the requirements of § 200-243.1.
    Signs which contain or consist of banners, posters, pennant ribbons, balloons or blimps, streamers, strings of light bulbs, spinners or other similar moving devices.
    Signs painted or attached to utility poles, trees, fences, booths, street furniture or boulders.
    Circulars and throwaway flyers attached to vehicles.
    Portable signs or signs not permanently anchored to a building or to the ground.
    Obsolete or abandoned signs.
    Supplemental sign provisions.
    General sign standards. Any sign for which the purpose, location, type or definition is not clearly permitted or prohibited by this article shall be considered as being a sign of the most closely resembling purpose, function, type or definition as established by this article. The following general sign standards shall apply to all permitted signs in all zoning districts:
    Nonconforming signs. Nonconforming signs which are structurally altered, relocated or replaced shall comply with all provisions of this article.
    Structural requirements. All signs shall comply with structural requirements as established by the Township's Building Code. This article, however, shall, where applicable, take precedence over that code in all matters pertaining to the regulation of design and location.
    Editor's Note: See Ch. 63, Construction Codes, Uniform.
    Maximum height of signs. Signs shall be no higher than four feet in residential districts.
    Sign location. Signs shall not be in or within the public right-of-way nor interfere with sight distances at street intersections or ingress and egress points to a lot. To the extent possible, adjacent signs on the same or adjoining buildings should be placed within the same horizontal band and be of reasonably harmonious materials and colors.
    Signage graphics considerations. For any residential or nonresidential development, all signage shall be consistent in style of lettering, signage colors, construction material, type of pole or standard, size and lighting.
    Sign area calculation. The total area of all signs on a lot shall not exceed the limitations of this article. Signs visible on or through windows shall be included within the total area of signage on a lot. Signs may be two-sided, with the perimeter not to exceed the individual sign area limitation.
    Special design standards for wall signs.
    Wall signs shall be attached parallel to the facade of the building and project not more than 12 inches therefrom and shall not exceed higher than the top of the parapet in the case of one story buildings; and in the case of taller buildings, shall not extend above the sill of the windows of the second story, nor extend more than 15 feet above the outside grade.
    Wall signs shall not cover wholly or in part any wall opening, including doors, fire escapes and windows, nor project beyond the ends of the wall to which it is attached. All such signs must be safely and adequately attached to said building wall by means satisfactory to the Construction Official.
    Editor's Note: Original Subsection 23-6.6.5, Supplementary Sign Regulations and Design Considerations, which immediately followed this subsection, and containing portions of Ord. Nos. 78-20 and 78-25, was repealed by Ord. No. 92-37. Former Subsection E, Billboards, as amended, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 5-1-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-09. See now § 200-243.1.
    When a single-occupancy business ceases operation for more than 60 days, any sign face identifying or advertising such business and all supporting structures shall be immediately removed.
    When an owner entity such as a shopping center or a multitenant building changes and the owner's name is on the sign, then within 90 days the sign shall be removed and replaced if it is nonconforming.
    Sign illumination standards for all districts.
    Fixtures used to illuminate signs shall comply with the following:
    Top-mounted external light fixtures shall have illumination levels plotted such that 100% of the beam angle used is not greater than the size of the externally illuminated signs.
    Illumination from other positioned light fixtures shall continue to be restricted to the sign area. Visors or other directional control devices shall be used to eliminate any spill light.
    Detailed plans are to be provided to illustrate floodlight distribution patterns. Once properly installed, the fixtures are to be aimed, permanently affixed, and maintained in the approved position according to the terms of approval outlined in the approving resolution.
    Foundations supporting lighting poles installed less than two feet behind the curb shall not be less than four inches above grade.
    Outdoor light fixtures for purposes of private, commercial, or industrial usage shall not be attached or mounted to public property (i.e., buildings, utility poles, telephone poles, street lights, and road/street signs). Furthermore, these fixtures shall not tap or extend power from sources servicing public lighting and power devices.
    Light distributions generated by light fixtures shall be confined to the property on which they are installed.
    Outdoor light fixtures properly installed and maintained shall be directed so that there will not be any direct glare source visible from any adjacent residential property.
    Light fixtures installed within any setback area, including front, rear or side yard setbacks, shall contain shielded devices to prevent light spill and glare upward and onto adjacent properties.
    Light trespass (nuisance light). All light fixtures, except street lighting maintained by a governmental authority, shall be designed, installed and maintained to prevent light trespass, as specified below.
    Outdoor light fixtures shall be installed and maintained so that there will not be any direct glare source visible from any property other than the property in which the fixture is located.
    Special shielding devices shall be affixed to light fixtures near adjacent properties to the extent necessary to prevent light trespass.
    Internally illuminated signs shall not exceed 70 lumens as measured one foot away from signs.
    When building surfaces are used as signs, the luminance values and surface reflectances shall be the same as those indicated for externally illuminated signs.
    Outdoor lighting energy conservation. All sign-related lighting shall be designed to prevent misdirected or excessive artificial light and to maximize energy efficiency, including use of solar lighting to the extent practicable.
    Submission of plans. Plans and evidence of compliance shall include the following:
    Description of outdoor lamp/luminaire combinations, including component specifications such as lamps, reflectors, optics, angle of cutoff, supports, and poles, and provision of manufacturers' catalog cuts.
    Locations and descriptions of every outdoor enclosed light fixture and hours of operation, their aiming angles and mounting heights.
    The initial horizontal and vertical illuminance shall be illustrated in footcandles (before depreciation). Illustrate relamping and cleaning cycles to arrive at maintained values of illumination. Separately state proposed maintained footcandles (horizontal and vertical).
    Computer-generated photometric grid showing footcandle readings every 10 feet and the average footcandles. Depending upon the design application, this can be for either or both facade (vertical) or horizontal illumination levels.
Amended 12-14-1992 by Ord. No. 92-37; 12-22-1980 by Ord. No. 80-41; 12-14-1992 by Ord. No. 92-37; 10-15-1996 by Ord. No. 96-25; 12-23-1996 by Ord. No. 96-33; 12-15-1997 by Ord. No. 97-27; 2-9-1998 by Ord. No. 98-02; 4-19-1999 by Ord. No. 99-07; 5-1-2000 by Ord. No. 2000-07; 10-6-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-28