§ 200-92. Inspection and fees.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Prior to starting any construction of the required improvements, the developer must submit final detailed construction plans to the Township Engineer for the Township Engineer's review and approval, and shall pay to the Township Treasurer, by cash or certified check, the inspection fee as stated in Chapter 82, Fees, for both private and public improvements.
    Prior to the proposed start of the various phases of the work, and after the submission of final constructions plans and posting of inspections fee, the developer shall request and the Township Engineer shall arrange a project pre-construction conference between the developer, contractors, and Township Engineer, and in the case of public sewer improvements, the Director of Public Works. The Township Engineer shall be notified by the developer in writing at least five days in advance of the start of construction following the successful completion of the pre-construction conference.
    All of the required public improvements for a development, during and upon completion of their construction, shall be subject to inspection and approval by the Township Engineer, who shall be notified by the developer in writing at least five days prior to the initial start of construction. On-site private improvements relating to stormwater management, drainage, landscaping and circulation as shown on an approved final development plan shall also be subject to inspection and approval by the Township Engineer.
    No underground installations shall be covered until inspected and approved by the Township Engineer. If such installation is covered prior to inspection, it shall be uncovered or another means of inspection acceptable to the Township Engineer, such as closed circuit television inspection, shall be used, and all costs for same are to be borne by the developer.
    At a minimum, the Township Engineer will make the following inspections:
    Roadway subgrade prior to placing subbase material and/or bituminous stabilized base course material.
    The bituminous stabilized base course material during installation and compaction and prior to applying bituminous material tack coat for the bituminous concrete surface course.
    Bituminous concrete surface course materials while it is being laid.
    Finished bituminous concrete surface course pavement.
    Concrete curb and sidewalks, when the forms are laid and the subgrade is leveled and compacted prior to placing concrete, also during the placing and finishing of the concrete.
    Such inspections as the Township Engineer shall deem necessary of the pipe drains, inlets, municipal utilities lines and appurtenances, etc., while pipes, etc., are being laid and prior to backfilling trenches, inlets and manholes while being constructed.
    Stormwater management improvements provided to address development stormwater quantity control, stormwater quality control and groundwater recharge, both during their construction as well as post-construction and prior to release of performance guarantee.
    Landscape planting materials on site, but before installation, and finished landscape plantings.
    Approval or reasons for withholding approval for either public or private improvements shall be given promptly, and in any event within 45 days after inspection. If work proceeds without such approval or not in compliance therewith, the Township Engineer, in addition to any other remedies available to the Township, may issue an order requiring immediate cessation of the affected work and prohibiting resumption thereof until approval is obtained or noncompliance corrected.
    Inspection not to be deemed acceptance. Inspection of work by the Township Engineer shall not be considered to be final acceptance or rejection of an improvement, but shall only be considered to be a determination of whether or not the specific improvement work observed was performed in accordance with Township specifications, or other prevailing standards, at the time of inspection. Any subsequent damage to such improvement, or defect that makes itself apparent, or other unforeseen circumstances due to weather, other construction work, settlement, etc. between the time of observed installation and the time of request of release of performance guarantee shall be the full responsibility of the developer. No work shall be considered accepted until release of all guarantees required under Chapter 200, Land Use, Article XVII, Improvement Guaranties.
Amended 7-25-1983 by Ord. No. 83-19; 3-26-1984 by Ord. No. 84-8; 10-29-2018 by Ord. No. 2018-26