§ 200-93. Acceptance of streets and improvements  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Prior to the release of a performance bond covering any public or private improvements within a subdivision, there shall be filed with the Township Engineer a deed of dedication containing a metes and bounds description of all easements, two paper prints plus one reproducible Polyester Film tracing (matte finish) (base thickness, 0.003 inches) and as-built plans and profiles drawn to a scale of one inch equals five feet vertically, which plans and profiles shall be based on a final survey and shall be in the United States Coast and Geodetic Control Survey datum. Such drawing shall show how streets and other improvements were actually constructed or installed. The following data must be shown with measurements from the property lines:
    Plans and profiles of the streets showing elevations as constructed and reference bench marks.
    Plans and profiles of sanitary and storm sewers showing elevations of inverts of manholes and catch basins and elevations of inlet gratings and manhole rims; also locations of sanitary sewer laterals dimensioned from main and reference dimensions to T or V connections from manholes.
    [Amended 4-20-1990 by Ord. No. 90-12]
    Upon the submission of the following documents and the approval thereof by the Township Engineer and the Township Attorney, the Township shall accept those streets, rights-of-way and other public improvements in a subdivision by resolution:
    [Amended 10-16-1995 by Ord. No. 95-42]
    Satisfaction of all items set forth in Subsection A of this section.
    Deeds of dedication with metes and bounds descriptions for all easements, detention basins, greenbelts or other public improvements other than streets and rights-of-way intended to be owned by the Township.
    Final plat filed with the Mercer County Clerk's Office showing all streets, rights-of-way, easements, detention basins, greenbelts or other public or quasi-public improvements.
    All applicable streets, rights-of-way and/or other public improvements have been inspected and have received final approval by the municipal engineer.
    [Added 10-16-1995 by Ord. No. 95-42]
    Posting of the required maintenance guaranties with the Township and approved by the Township prior to acceptance by the Township Council of the applicable streets, rights-of-way and/or other public improvements, in an amount provided by law.
    [Added 10-16-1995 by Ord. No. 95-42]
Amended 6-25-1990 by Ord. No. 90-18