§ 200-219.5. RO-1 District (research, office) use regulations.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Permitted uses. In an RO-1 District, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be created or altered which is arranged, intended or designed to be used except for the following uses, and all such uses shall be subject to the performance standards set forth in Part I, Site Plan Review, and to § 200-243.2.
    Research, testing and analytical laboratories.
    General, corporate, administrative and professional offices.
    Public activities, including structures and uses owned or operated by the Township of West Windsor for municipal purposes, indoor and outdoor public recreation uses, libraries, community theaters, other cultural activities and associated public or semipublic uses.
    Commercial recreation facilities.
    Child-care facilities, subject to the regulations in § 200-241.
    Business incubator facilities.
    All farm and agricultural uses permitted in residential districts in accordance with provisions set forth in § 200-146.
    Planned research office parks, which shall be subject to those special requirements listed in § 200-209A(8) for ROM-1 Districts, except as changed herein.
    Permitted uses:
    All uses permitted in this RO-1 District.
    Restaurants, provided that they are physically attached to and part of other buildings in the planned office development and designed to be an integral part of the planned development. There shall be no freestanding restaurants. The amount of area devoted to restaurant purposes shall be limited to one square foot of restaurant floor area for every 20 square feet of floor area for other uses in the planned development.
    Accessory uses. Accessory uses and accessory buildings incidental to the above uses located on the same lot and within the same zoning district permitting the principal use, including:
    Personal services such as, but not limited to: hair cutters, banks, dry cleaner and tailor, real estate, insurance, legal offices, travel agencies.
    Retail business services such as, but not limited to: package shipment facilities, copying centers, employment agencies, office equipment rental.
    Retail showrooms.
    Limited manufacturing.
    Minimum park area: 25 acres of contiguous parcel(s) not separated by an existing street and served by public water and sewer.
    Maximum tract floor area ratio: 0.18.
    Maximum tract improvement coverage: 50%.
    Planned research office park design, building arrangement, lot width, frontage, depth and yards:
    The planned development design shall be based on a planned development concept providing for a unified master plan governing the land use, circulation, open space and utility needs of the development. Comprehensive design guidelines for building and site layout as well as landscape treatment shall be provided along with provision for maintenance of common areas and spaces.
    The plan shall contain a staging component to ensure the orderly completion of the project in relationship to the capacity of the existing and/or planned infrastructure to absorb a particular stage or stages of the development.
    There shall be no maximum floor area ratio or maximum improvement coverage for individual lots, provided that the planned development conforms to a site plan approved by the board of jurisdiction. A lot need not front on a street. The intent of this provision is to permit individual buildings to exist as separate lots.
    Buildings, lots, yard sizes and dimensions may be freely disposed and arranged and shall conform to the provisions of Part I, Site Plan Review, and subject to the minimum standards below. The applicant shall provide the following setbacks, except that it may provide a lesser setback from internal access roads if the board of jurisdiction finds that the reduction is based on an approved master plan for the planned development and does not create undesirable visual and spatial impacts on abutting properties or when viewed from the public right-of-way.
    Minimum front yard setback: 50 feet for lots located along an internal access road with a twenty-five-foot landscape area at the street right-of-way; and 125 feet for lots located along existing public roads with a seventy-five-foot landscape area at the street right-of-way.
    Minimum side and rear yard setbacks: 40 feet except where such yards are located on the tract boundary; 75 feet when located on the tract boundary.
    Yards abutting residential districts: The above yards shall be increased to 200 feet and shall provide a vegetative buffer where they abut, in whole or in part, a residential district or lot line. Such buffers shall comply with the provisions of § 200-91P(6), nonconforming buffer.
    Maximum building height: three stories, but not greater than 50 feet.
    Open space.
    A minimum of 30% of the total tract area shall be in open space. Open space in parcels created by subdivision shall be contiguous.
    Areas of proposed greenbelt, as delineated in the West Windsor Township Master Plan, shall be preserved.
Added 11-13-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-19