§ 200-152. Temporary signs.  

Latest version.
  • The erection, installation or maintenance of temporary signs other than as set forth below is hereby prohibited. They shall be subject to sign standards contained in Part 1, Site Plan Review, of this chapter, except as may be modified herein. Persons placing signs on property in which they do not have an interest which permits them to do so shall secure the permission of the owner.
    General sign regulations.
    State/federal or governmental agency signs are exempt from Township ordinances.
    No signs shall be placed on utility poles.
    Signs may be two-sided, with side not to exceed the individual sign area.
    Sign height for temporary signs shall be four feet. Temporary signs shall be located on a lot so that they are not in the public right-of-way and shall not interfere with sight distances at street intersections or ingress and egress points to a lot or cause a public safety hazard. Signs designed to be seen from vehicles should be perpendicular to the line of travel, while signs designed to be read on foot can be parallel with walks. To the extent possible, adjacent signs on the same or adjoining buildings should be placed within the same horizontal band and be of reasonably harmonious materials. No such signs shall be located on any public property. There shall be no placement of such signs between public roads and sidewalks or within six feet of a public road where no sidewalk exists. Where there are improvements existing on a property that are closer than six feet to a public road where no sidewalk exists, then signs may be affixed to said improvements.
    Off-tract temporary real estate or development signs shall be prohibited in all zoning districts. However, off-tract directional signs shall be permitted. Such signs shall not exceed four square feet and shall be displayed only on weekends and legal holidays.
    Sign types and standards.
    Temporary noncommercial, including political signs. Noncommercial signs, including but not limited to political signs which are temporary in nature, shall be permitted in all districts. Temporary noncommercial signs are those which are not permanently affixed to the ground, a building or other permanent structure on the property and not intended to be permanent in time. Temporary noncommercial signs shall not exceed 16 square feet (no side of any signs shall be more than six feet in any linear dimension) in residential zones and 32 square feet in nonresidential zones. Temporary political signs associated with an election shall be removed no later than seven days after the election. Site plan approval shall not be required for the placement of temporary noncommercial signs.
    On-site temporary real estate or development signs. On-site temporary real estate and development signs shall be regulated by the following standards:
    Any real estate signage on individual properties for sale, rent, lease or open house shall not exceed four square feet for residential projects and residentially zoned land and shall not exceed 16 square feet for nonresidential projects and nonresidentially zoned land. When such nonresidential signage is for vacant parcels with development approvals, it shall be in accordance with such approvals. This signage shall be removed when the property is withdrawn from the market or within seven days of the date of closing or change of possession. Only one sign shall be permitted per lot, and it shall be located in the front yard.
    Any signage which identifies a nonresidential project under construction and/or opening date for occupancy shall not exceed 16 square feet. Signage shall be removed at the time of the final certificate of occupancy. Only one sign per development shall be permitted. However, construction signs which contain noncommercial messages, such as signs identifying individual lots or construction ingress and/or egress, shall be permitted which do not exceed four square feet.
    Any signage which identifies new housing development under construction shall not exceed 16 square feet per development project. Signage shall be removed when the project has received certificates of occupancy for 90% of all approved lots or units in the total project or section under construction, whichever is applicable. Only one sign per development tract shall be permitted. However, construction signs which contain noncommercial messages, such as signs identifying individual lots or construction ingress and/or egress, shall be permitted which do not exceed four square feet.
    Freestanding real estate signage for the sale and lease of commercial properties is prohibited. Six months after the effective date of this section, all temporary commercial real estate sale or leasing information signage shall be removed. Commercial real estate leasing or sale information shall be incorporated into the permanent business or property identification signage permitted by § 200-32.
    Editor's Note: This section was last amended 3-16-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-08, effective 4-6-2009.
    Temporary contractor signage on individual residential lots. Only one sign shall be permitted identifying contractors doing work on the site, and it shall be located in the front yard. Such sign shall be a maximum of four square feet per entity. This sign shall be removed when work ceases or is abandoned or when a certificate of occupancy for the project is issued, whichever occurs sooner.
    Commercial fairs, carnivals, circuses or similar cultural event signs. Any on-site or off-tract sign which identifies commercial fairs, carnivals, circuses or similar cultural event activities shall not exceed 16 square feet. Only one sign per lot shall be permitted, which can be put up only one month prior to an event or activity and shall be removed within seven days of completion of the activity. Written approval by the Zoning Officer shall be required for all commercial fairs, carnivals, circuses or similar cultural event signs. The person or organizational representative responsible for the event requiring temporary signs shall indicate to the Zoning Officer where all signs will be placed and the date all such signs will be removed.
Amended 9-19-1988 by Ord. No. 88-27; 12-14-1992 by Ord. No. 92-37; 12-23-1996 by Ord. No. 96-33; 4-19-1999 by Ord. No. 99-07; 3-16-2009 by Ord. No. 2009-08