§ 200-189.2. R-5C District bulk, area, and other regulations.  

Latest version.
  • The following shall be the standards for the R-5C District:
    Tract development.
    Minimum tract area: 60 acres.
    Minimum tract frontage: 150 feet.
    Minimum yards.
    Where building facade is parallel to a tract line: 15 feet from the tract line.
    Where corner of the building is tangent to a tract line: five feet from the tract line.
    Minimum buffer from lot line to parking, drive aisle, or turnaround area: zero feet when adjacent lots are in common or affiliated principal ownership. Drive aisles may be located on Block 8, Lot 54 or 10.02 when the property is in common or affiliated principal ownership.
    Modification to the proposed greenbelt easement on Block 8, Lots 54 and 10.02 shall be permitted to provide for circulation and fire safety.
    Maximum permissible development density:
    The average gross density shall not exceed 10 dwelling units per acre.
    The net density of mid-rise and garden apartments shall not exceed 40 dwelling units per acre.
    Maximum improvement coverage to be determined on a tract-wide basis - 40% of the tract. Additional improvement coverage up to a total improvement coverage of 55% on Block 8, Lots 54 and 10.02 may be permitted to allow for streets, paths, and emergency access serving the development. Any increase in improvement coverage on such lots shall be only for streets, paths, and emergency access serving the development. The applicant shall provide calculations demonstrating compliance with both the 40% and 55% improvement coverage requirements.
    Maximum building height for mid-rise apartments and community building: 85 feet.
    Maximum building height for garden apartments: 50 feet.
    Design criteria.
    Distances between structures. In development groups (more than one building or structure on the tract), the following distances shall be maintained between structures:
    Any building face to street curb or internal road right of way: seven feet minimum from any front building face or two feet from any side building face or corner.
    Any building face or corner to parking area: five feet minimum, or zero feet where a driveway is fronting a garage.
    End wall to window wall: 25 feet minimum.
    Window wall to window wall (separate buildings): 25 feet minimum.
    Window wall to window wall (in same building): 20 feet minimum, exclusive of architectural accents, including, but not limited to, nooks, notches, or bays.
    Building site design principles.
    Overall principles.
    Parking stalls for residents and visitors shall be located near dwelling unit entrances.
    Screening of private outdoor living areas shall be addressed and may be accomplished with plant materials, masonry structures or wood fencing. Architectural elements such as masonry walls and fences shall be compatible in both style and materials with the dwelling unit of which it is part.
    The design of all accessory uses, including but not limited to street furnishings, planters, streetlights, exterior garden-type shade structures, fences, walls, decks, patios, terraces, and shelters for car sharing and shuttles, shall complement the architectural style, type, and design of the buildings and the overall project design.
    Garden apartments.
    Each garden apartment structure shall be limited to a maximum of 45 units and a length of 335 feet. Such structures shall be grouped in clusters of consistent architectural design. Architectural treatment, roof changes or vertical or horizontal offsets of a minimum of two feet to create visual breaks on the exterior of buildings should be provided.
    Open balconies or outdoor private living spaces for individual dwelling units should be provided. Balconies integrated into the architectural facade shall be considered as architectural offsets if more than two feet in depth.
    Mid-rise apartments (which may include split-level style and on podiums).
    Mid-rise apartments shall be located on a site directly adjacent to the major portions of common space or open space in the development.
    Open balconies, decks, patios, or garages at the ground floor units should be provided. Balconies integrated into the architectural facade shall be considered as architectural offsets if more than two feet in depth.
    Architectural treatment, roof or parapet changes, or jogs of a minimum of two feet to create visual breaks on the exterior of the buildings should be provided.
    Architectural treatments, porticos and material changes at points of principal entry should be provided.
    Buildings may be permitted on podiums.
    Vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian circulation.
    Access. The street system shall be integrated with the existing network of streets so that there are at least two points of unobstructed access to and from the tract. Access drives or driveways shall be provided in accordance with the criteria provided in this section.
    General vehicular circulation design principles.
    The street system should utilize, where appropriate, cul-de-sacs, roundabouts, loop streets, and other suitable forms of street layout. Varying street widths according to their intended traffic carrying and parking purposes are encouraged.
    An emergency access drive shall be provided. This access drive may be fenced off or gated when not in use.
    Connector road to Old Meadow Road. The owner of the tract shall cause an easement to be provided granting one way access in from Old Meadow Road through the existing access within the apartment community on Block 8, Lot 10.02 leading to the R-5C District and providing access in one direction for a future connection in one direction into Block 8, Lots 17, 24, and 30 on the West Windsor Township Tax Map as of the effective date of this section. The one-way access connector road shall be jointly maintained by the owners of the aforementioned properties and the developer of Block 8, Lot 8.
    Connector road to Route 1. Should the owner of Block 8, Lot 18 redevelop its property, the developer of Block 8, Lot 8 shall cause an easement to be provided granting direct two way access from the access road off of Route 1 to Block 8, Lot 18 on the West Windsor Township Tax Map as of the effective date of this section. Should Block 8, Lot 18 be redeveloped, the costs to upgrade and maintain the access connector roadway and any modifications to the existing curb, or as may be required by NJDOT, shall be paid by the owner of Block 8, Lot 18. The portion of the connector roadway not already completed shall be constructed by the owner of Block 8, Lot 18. An easement so providing shall be a condition of development approval in the R-5C District and shall become effective upon the demolition of all structures and redevelopment of Block 8, Lot 18 as of the date of the adoption of this section and redevelopment of such lot.
    Road and driveway connections from main roads shall be located at grade and not below the crest of vertical curves.
    Vehicular connections to adjacent properties may be provided where appropriate.
    Access ways, but not parking spaces, are permitted on adjacent lots when in common principal ownership. An easement shall be provided therefor.
    Pedestrian circulation.
    Comprehensive on-site pedestrian circulation shall be provided.
    Pedestrian connections shall be provided to Block 8, Lots 10.03, 24, 10.02, and 54 on the West Windsor Township Tax Map as of the effective date of this section.
    Bikeways. Bicycle access shall be combined with motor vehicle access and identified with an appropriate street marking such as a sharrow or striped shoulder outside of vehicle lanes or provided as a separate parallel system adjacent to motor vehicle access. Width and design guidelines for all bikeways shall be as provided in § 200-36C(3)(c)[2] of the West Windsor Township Land Use Ordinance.
    A comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian plan shall be provided. Consideration shall be given to linking pedestrian and bicycle circulation features to adjoining open space; amenities, as determined, to be appropriate and feasible.
    The treatment of any crosswalk shall be designed with materials that indicate the different traffic characteristics of intersecting streets.
    Parking and loading requirements.
    Off-street parking. The standards set forth in the RSIS shall govern all off-street parking, except for the standards that govern the size of parking spaces, circulation in parking structures, and compact parking, which shall conform to the standards in § 200-29M(6) of the West Windsor Land Use Ordinance.
    Location of parking spaces.
    Parking spaces, open or enclosed, shall be on the same lot or tract of land as the building or use to be served.
    A parking space plan addressing parking space allocations shall be submitted with the site plan application.
    Car share and shuttles.
    A resident shuttle service or ride-sharing service to the Princeton Junction Station shall be provided on or before the date when a minimum of 50% of units are occupied.
    Drop-off or pick-up areas for car share vehicles or resident shuttles are permitted.
    Bicycle parking design principles.
    Location. Bicycle parking facilities shall be located indoors and outdoors.
    Each garden apartment building shall have a dedicated interior space or enclosed room for storage of bicycles.
    Mid-rise apartment buildings shall have dedicated interior space or an enclosed room for storage of bicycles. Such spaces may be located within a parking garage.
    Off-street loading requirements.
    Mid-rise apartments that are on a podium: One loading area shall be provided. Loading areas may be provided in designated parking areas.
    Mid-rise apartments, which include split-level style and garden apartments: One loading area shall be provided for every 50 apartment units. Driveways fronting garages may satisfy this requirement.
    Open space and recreational facilities.
    Open space distribution requirements are as follows:
    Common active open space, including recreational facilities: 40,000 square feet minimum. Common active open space or recreational space may include areas on top of structures such as parking garages. Common active open space calculations shall not include lands in conservation easements.
    Natural open space. A minimum of 38 acres shall remain as a green belt, defined as greenbelt consisting of natural features, significant wooded areas, vegetation, channels, floodways or water bodies.
    Recreational facilities.
    Play lots. One play lot, minimum 3,500 square feet in size, primarily for use by older children, is required. Facilities may include swings, slides, play sculptures, and benches for parents. A tot lot primarily for use by toddlers is not required, as long as there is at least one tot lot accessible to residents on Block 8, Lots 54 and 10.02. Accessibility shall be provided through a reciprocal easement agreement.
    Swimming pools. One swimming pool, minimum 1,800 square feet in size, is required.
    Tennis courts, basketball courts, and play fields. There are no requirements for tennis courts, basketball courts, or play fields on-site, as long as there is at least one tennis court, one half-sized basketball court, and a play field accessible to residents on Block 8, Lots 54 and 10.02. Accessibility shall be provided through a reciprocal easement agreement.
    Multipurpose community facility. A recreation center or multipurpose community facility, including space for permitted accessory uses, is required. The facility may be a freestanding building or integrated into a principal permitted building. The facility may be multistory. The facility shall be within walking or easy biking distance of the majority of residents it is intended to serve.
    Landscape standards.
    Street trees. Street trees shall be provided in addition to any buffer requirements for municipal or county streets, if any streets are provided in the plan. Street trees shall be in accordance with the West Windsor Land Use Ordinance and Township Comprehensive Master Street Tree Plan standards for location, species selection and spacing. Street trees along fire lanes are not required.
    Landscape buffers. Buffers shall be provided along all site edges as provided for herein:
    Along property lines adjacent to parking areas or drive aisles a planted three-foot-wide buffer of evergreen shrubs shall be provided. Shrubs shall be a minimum of three feet in height at time of planting, placed a maximum of three feet on center. Buffer plantings may be located on the adjacent property when in common or affiliated principal ownership. Loading areas shall be excluded from buffering requirements.
    Along property lines where utility and/or sewer easements interfere, a five-foot-wide buffer shall be provided. The buffer shall contain a mix of evergreen shrubs planted at a maximum of three feet on center, and plants planted in naturalistic groups of mixed plant varieties to provide visual interest.
    Parking areas.
    All open parking areas and access ways thereto shall be properly drained, and all such areas shall be a paved surface. Geo Grid, or an acceptable alternative, shall be permitted for emergency vehicle access ways.
    Podium landscape standards.
    Ground floor units. A hardscape or landscape screen shall be provided between each ground floor apartment outdoor space and other community spaces.
    Deck material. Podium deck shall differentiate spaces by using different materials or finish colors.
    A variety of small plantings that can prosper in shallow soil conditions shall be provided as landscape elements in outdoor community spaces.
    Sign regulations.
    Development in the R-5C District shall conform to the requirements provided in this subsection.
    General. Each site plan application shall include a signage plan showing the specific design, location, size, height, construction, and illumination of proposed signs in accordance with the regulations contained herein.
    Permitted signs. The following standards shall apply to all signs in the R-5C District. No sign type other than those identified below shall be permitted.
    Monument signage.
    Two monument signs shall be permitted (one at the entrances on Old Meadow Road and Route 1).
    The maximum monument sign area, excluding the base structure, shall be 60 square feet per side, of which no more than 50 square feet may be devoted to the LED sign permitted by Subsection F(3)(a)[4] hereof.
    The maximum monument sign height, including structure and sign area, for signs along Route 1 shall be 12 feet and for signs along Old Meadow Road shall be six feet.
    An electronically programmable and changeable digital LED sign shall be permitted on the monument signs to display information solely related to the development. The sign shall not be used for third-party advertising of any kind except for announcements by the Township, except that political signage shall not be permitted. The LED changeable digital signage must conform to any applicable NJDOT regulations.
    Wayfinding signage.
    One freestanding or wall wayfinding sign shall be permitted for each building entrance.
    Freestanding wayfinding signs shall be permitted, to be spaced throughout the site for the purpose of wayfinding as needed.
    The maximum wayfinding sign area shall not exceed nine square feet and the letter height shall not exceed four inches.
    For freestanding signs, the maximum sign height, including structure and sign area, shall be six feet above existing grade.
    One wall sign shall be permitted for the community center. The maximum wall sign area shall not exceed 50 square feet.
    Street address signage.
    Street address signage shall be provided on each building or for each individual tenant.
    Street address numbers shall have a maximum height of eight inches.
    Blade signs/banners.
    A maximum of two blade signs per mid-rise apartment building shall be permitted. The maximum sign area shall not exceed 60 square feet and may project up to three feet from the building.
    Banner signs may be permitted as needed throughout the site.
    Blade signs and banners may be attached to buildings or freestanding posts.
    Loading, refuse and recycling, and service utility areas.
    All loading, refuse and recycling collection, service and utility areas shall be sufficient in size to collectively serve the development. The required method of screening for dumpsters, trash compactors, recycling facilities or other outdoor storage areas shall conform to the standards outlined in § 200-189.2B(5)(c).
    Outside deposit areas shall not be permitted in any required yard or setback area, nor shall they interfere with the operation of off-street parking facilities.
    Trash compactors, recycling facilities, and loading areas shall be located on the site so as to provide clear and convenient access for collection vehicles.
    The applicant shall provide a waste management and recycling plan, subject to Township review and approval. Such management plan shall be submitted with an application for preliminary approval.
    Transformers, telephone terminal boxes, and cable TV boxes located on the ground shall be screened in the manner set forth in § 200-189.2B(5)(c).
    Refuse and recycling requirements.
    Outdoor storage areas.
    A central area consisting of trash compactors and recycling facility shall be provided to service the entire development. This area shall be conveniently located for residential deposition of waste and recyclables.
    Dwelling unit storage.
    Individual garden apartment dwelling units shall provide a location within the unit for storage of designated recyclable materials in compliance with § 200-134B of the West Windsor Land Use Ordinance. Garden apartment units for which a garage is rented may have such storage space within the attached garage structure.
    A separate location for storage of designated recyclable materials within individual mid-rise apartment building dwelling units is not required, provided that each floor of the mid-rise apartment building shall include a central room for trash and recycling with bins for collection of recycling and a chute for trash terminating in a collection area within the structure.
    Snow storage and removal. Procedures for snow storage and removal shall be identified.
Added 3-18-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-04