§ 200-189.3. R-5D District use, bulk and other regulations.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Use and bulk standards. The use, bulk and other regulations governing the R-5B District shall apply, except that:
    Stacked flats/apartments attached to townhouses restricted to units set aside for low- and moderate-income households are permitted.
    Group homes in detached dwellings or attached to townhouse buildings with a minimum capacity of three bedrooms intended for individuals with development disabilities are permitted.
    A commercial building or buildings not to exceed 10,000 square feet in total gross floor area which may be occupied by any principal use or conditional use as permitted in the P-3 Business District, subject to the bulk and area regulations of that district, are permitted.
    Twenty-five percent of the total dwellings that are the subject of the development application shall be low- and moderate-income housing meeting all of the applicable standards and requirements for affordable units, including those set forth in the Uniform Housing Affordability Controls (UHAC), N.J.A.C. 5:80-26.1 et seq., and in § 200-237. At least 50% of the affordable units shall be made affordable to low-income households and at least 13% of all rental affordable units shall be made affordable to very-low-income households earning 30% or less of the regional median household income by household size, which very-low-income units shall be included as part of the low-income requirement. The remaining affordable units shall be made available to moderate-income households. The affordable units shall be located on site and shall be reasonably dispersed throughout the residential component phased in accordance with the affordable housing construction schedule set forth in N.J.A.C. 5:97-6.4(d). Parking spaces shall be reserved for the affordable units.
    In lieu of the net density requirements set forth in § 200-184A(4)(b), the following shall apply:
    The net density of townhouses and stacked flats attached to the townhouses shall not exceed 25 dwelling units per acre.
    Accessory uses: street furniture, decks, patios, fences, walls, pump stations and garbage corrals.
    Modifications of design standards. The design standards set forth in this Chapter 200 shall apply, except that:
    Parking for a commercial building or buildings shall be permitted within the front yard provided that a minimum forty-foot planted buffer area be maintained to said parking area from the street right-of-way. No separate off-street loading space shall be required for a commercial building or buildings.
    The minimum window wall to window wall requirement shall be 30 feet.
    A minimum of 30 acres shall be preserved for open space.
    Useable recreation facilities as set forth in § 200-36C(3)(c) shall be 2.5% of the gross tract area.
    The following requirements as to recreational facilities shall apply:
    Play lots: One play lot shall be required with a minimum of 2,000 square feet for toddlers and up to 5,000 square feet for older children.
    Tennis: One court shall be required.
    Swimming pools: Shall not be required.
    Community building: Shall not be required.
    Pickleball and bocce courts: Shall be permitted.
    In lieu of the active recreation purpose requirement set forth in § 200-190C(1), the following shall apply:
    Such designated open space shall include no less than two acres of land developed for active recreation purposes.
    Snow storage and removal. Procedures for snow storage and removal shall be identified.
    Bicycle and pedestrian accessibility.
    A comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian circulation plan shall be provided. Consideration shall be given to linking pedestrian and bicycle circulation features to adjoining open space amenities, as determined to be appropriate and feasible.
    Pedestrian crossings in streets and alleys shall include special ground texture treatment such as brick, stone, cobblestones and other suitable material. The treatment of any crosswalk shall be designed with materials that indicate the different traffic characteristics of intersecting streets.
Added 9-18-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-05