§ 40-5. Regulation and control of dogs.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    Nuisance acts by dogs.
    No person who owns, keeps or harbors any dog shall suffer or permit such dog to bark, howl or cry habitually in such manner as to constitute a nuisance or to bite or molest any person or to chase any vehicle upon a public street or to injure or damage any lawn or shrubbery or flowers or grounds or any property of any person other than its owner or to behave in any way so as to endanger any person or property.
    No person owning or in charge of any dog shall allow such dog to defecate upon any public or private property except with the express authority or permission of the owner of said property. The restriction in this subsection shall not apply to the portion of the street lying between the curblines which may be used to curb such dogs, provided that the person who so curbs such dog shall immediately remove all feces deposited by such dog by placing the feces in a closed bag or other container and depositing the same in a trash receptacle located on his/her own or on public property, and only in such receptacles. Either the police, the Animal Control Officer or an individual may file a complaint stating that the actions of an animal constitute a public nuisance.
    Restraining or control of dogs required.
    [Amended 10-17-1988 by Ord. No. 88-36; 4-7-2008 by Ord. No. 2008-05]
    No person who owns, keeps or harbors any dog shall suffer or permit such dog to be in or upon any public school property or in or upon any public park or recreation area with the exception of properly designated "dog parks" as provided by § 122-12 of the Township Code. All dogs are to be kept and controlled in accordance with regulations promulgated by the public authority having jurisdiction thereof or in or upon any public property and shall not enter upon private property without the consent of the owner of such property and unless accompanied by and under the control of a responsible person.
    No dog shall be permitted off the premises of the person owning, keeping or harboring it unless such dog is accompanied by a person who is capable of controlling it and who has securely confined and controlled the dog by an adequate leash or chain not more than six feet long.
    Regulation of female dogs in season. No person who owns, keeps or harbors any dog shall suffer or permit such dog, if a female in season, to be off the premises of its owner.
    Vicious dogs.
    [Amended 4-19-1999 by Ord. No. 99-07]
    No person who owns, keeps or harbors any dog which shall have once bitten any person, except on its owner's property, shall, after being given written notice by the Chief of Police or person appointed by the appropriate municipal department head, suffer or permit such dog to be in any place other than its owner's property without being securely muzzled or confined on a leash and accompanied by and under the control of a responsible person.
    No person shall keep or harbor any dog which shall have bitten any person or persons three or more times, wherever occurring, after being given written notice by the Chief of Police or person appointed by the appropriate municipal department head.
Amended 10-17-1988 by Ord. No. 88-36