Chapter 113. Noise  

§ 113-1. Definitions.
§ 113-2. Applicability.
§ 113-3. Exemptions.
§ 113-4. Enforcement officers.
§ 113-5. Measurement protocols.
§ 113-6. Maximum permissible sound levels.
§ 113-7. Sound production devices.
§ 113-8. Restricted uses and activities.
§ 113-9. Motor vehicles.
§ 113-10. Enforcement; violations and penalties.
§ 113-11. Severability; repealer; construal of provisions.
HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Council of the Township of West Windsor 12-22-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-23. Amendments noted where applicable.


Animals — See Ch. 40.
Firearms — See Ch. 86.
Nuisances — See Ch. 115.
Parks and recreation areas — See Ch. 122.
Peddling and soliciting — See Ch. 126
Excavations — See Ch. 143, Art. II.
Land use — See Ch. 200.